
des Hannoverschen Zentrums für Optische Technologien

Zeige Ergebnisse 321 - 340 von 390


Roth B. Integrated planar-optical networks in thin polymer foils: A new approach to large-area distributed sensing. in The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO_Europe 2017. OSA - The Optical Society. 2017 doi: 10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2017.8087744
Schlangen S, Bremer K, Neumann J, Bonilla GP, Roth B, Overmeyer L. Grating assisted optical waveguide couplers for Mode Division Multiplexing. in The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO_Europe 2017. OSA - The Optical Society. 2017. (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers).
Stritzel J, Melchert O, Wollweber M, Roth B. Effective one-dimensional approach to the source reconstruction problem of three-dimensional inverse optoacoustics. Physical Review E. 2017 Sep 13;96(3):033308. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.033308
Sujathan S, Kniggendorf AK, Kumar A, Roth B, Rosenwinkel KH, Nogueira R. Heat and Bleach: A Cost-Efficient Method for Extracting Microplastics from Return Activated Sludge. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2017 Nov;73(4):641-648. Epub 2017 Mai 26. doi: 10.1007/s00244-017-0415-8
Varkentin A, Mazurenka M, Blumenröther E, Wollweber M, Rahlves M, Broekaert SMC et al. Comparative study of presurgical skin infiltration depth measurements of melanocytic lesions with OCT and high frequency ultrasound. Journal of Biophotonics. 2017 Jun;10(6):854-861. doi: 10.1002/jbio.201600139


Akin M, Rezem M, Rahlves M, Cromwell K, Roth B, Reithmeier E et al. Direct hot embossing of microelements by means of photostructurable polyimide. Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS. 2016 Aug 23;15(3):034506. doi: 10.1117/1.JMM.15.3.034506
Arkhipov RM, Arkhipov MV, Babushkin I, Demircan A, Morgner U, Rosanov NN. Ultrafast creation and control of population density gratings via ultraslow polarization waves. Optics Letters. 2016 Nov 1;41(21):4983-4986. doi: 10.1364/ol.41.004983
Babushkin I, Amiranashvili S, Bree C, Morgner U, Steinmeyer G, Demircan A. The Effect of Chirp on Pulse Compression at a Group Velocity Horizon. IEEE Photonics Journal. 2016 Jun;8(3):7470580. doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2016.2570001
Behrens BA, Altan L, Jocker J, Roth B, Rahlves M, Schlangen S. Verfahren zum Prägen von Hologrammen auf Blechbauteile mit gekrümmter Oberfläche: Ergebnisse eines Vorhaben der Industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF) gefördert über die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen e.V. Hannover: Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e.V, 2016. (EFB-Forschungsbericht).
Blumenröther E, Melchert O, Wollweber M, Roth B. Detection, numerical simulation and approximate inversion of optoacoustic signals generated in multi-layered PVA hydrogel based tissue phantoms. Photoacoustics. 2016 Dez 1;4(4):125-132. Epub 2016 Okt 21. doi: 10.1016/j.pacs.2016.10.002
Bree C, Babushkin I, Morgner U, Demircan A. Collapse regularization of filaments by resonant radiation. in 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2016. 7788369 doi: 10.1364/cleo_at.2016.jw2a.60
Brée C, Steinmeyer G, Babushkin I, Morgner U, Demircan A. Controlling formation and suppression of fiber-optical rogue waves. Optics Letters. 2016 Aug 1;41(15):3515-3518. doi: 10.1364/ol.41.003515
Bremer K, Walter JG, Roth B. Optical waveguide based surface plasmon resonance sensor system for smartphones. in Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, AIO 2016. 2016. (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). doi: 10.1364/AIO.2016.AIW2B.1
Gleißner U, Khatri B, Megnin C, Sherman S, Xiao Y, Hofmann M et al. Optically and rheologically tailored polymers for applications in integrated optics. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. 2016 Apr 15;241:224-230. Epub 2016 Feb 18. doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2016.02.029
Kelb C, Pätzold WM, Morgner U, Rahlves M, Reithmeier E, Roth B. Characterization of femtosecond laser written gratings in PMMA using a phase-retrieval approach. Optical Materials Express. 2016;6(10):3202-3209. doi: 10.1364/OME.6.003202
Kelb C, Rother R, Schuler AK, Hinkelmann M, Rahlves M, Prucker O et al. Manufacturing of embedded multimode waveguides by reactive lamination of cyclic olefin polymer and polymethylmethacrylate. Optical Engineering. 2016 Mär 8;55(3):037103. doi: 10.1117/1.OE.55.3.037103, 10.15488/1770
Kniggendorf AK, Nogueira R, Kelb C, Schadzek P, Meinhardt-Wollweber M, Ngezahayo A et al. Confocal Raman microscopy and fluorescent in situ hybridization: A complementary approach for biofilm analysis. CHEMOSPHERE. 2016 Okt;161:112-118. Epub 2016 Jul 13. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.06.096
Krasnikov I, Suhr C, Seteikin A, Roth B, Meinhard-Wollweber M. Two efficient approaches for modeling of Raman scattering in homogeneous turbid media. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 2016 Feb 25;33(3):426-433. doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.33.000426
Pätzold WM, Reinhardt C, Demircan A, Morgner U. Cascaded-focus laser writing of low-loss waveguides in polymers. Optics Letters. 2016 Mär 15;41(6):1269-1272. doi: 10.1364/ol.41.001269
Petermann AB, Varkentin A, Roth B, Morgner U, Meinhardt-Wollweber M. All-polymer whispering gallery mode sensor system. Optics Express. 2016 Mär 21;24(6):6052-6062. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.006052