Showing results 381 - 400 out of 411
Mazurenka M, Varkentin A, Blumenroether E, Stritzel J, Otte M, Rahlves M et al. Towards all-optical melanoma depth determination. In Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics: European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015. Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). 2015
Pichler E, Bethmann K, Zywietz U, Spad C, Gleissner U, Kelb C et al. Ring resonators in polymer foils for sensing of gaseous species. In Vo-Dinh T, Lieberman RA, Gauglitz GG, editors, Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies XII. SPIE. 2015. 948613. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering). doi: 10.1117/12.2183336
Rahlves M, Kelb C, Rezem M, Schlangen S, Boroz K, Gödeke D et al. Digital mirror devices and liquid crystal displays in maskless lithography for fabrication of polymer-based holographic structures. Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS. 2015 Jul 25;14(4):15051SSP. doi: 10.1117/1.JMM.14.4.041302
Rahlves M, Rezem M, Boroz K, Schlangen S, Reithmeier E, Roth B. Flexible, fast, and low-cost production process for polymer based diffractive optics. Optics Express. 2015 Feb 9;23(3):3614-3622. doi: 10.1364/OE.23.003614
Rahlves M, Rezem M, Kelb C, Boroz K, Gödeke D, Schlangen S et al. Lab-level and low-cost fabrication technique for polymer based micro-optical elements and holographic structures. In Hrabovsky M, Fimia A, Sheridan JT, editors, Holography: Advances and Modern Trends IV. SPIE. 2015. 95080H. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering). doi: 10.1117/12.2178890, 10.15488/1768
Rahlves M, Roth B, Reithmeier E. Systematic errors on curved microstructures caused by aberrations in confocal surface metrology. Optics Express. 2015;23(8):9640-9648. doi: 10.1364/OE.23.009640
Singh D, Basu C, Meinhardt-Wollweber M, Roth B. LEDs for energy efficient greenhouse lighting. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2015 Sept 1;49:139-147. Epub 2015 May 14. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.04.117
Stritzel J, Díaz-Díaz J, Rahlves M, Majdani O, Ortmaier T, Reithmeier E et al. Korrektur geometrischer Verzeichnungen zur Kalibrierung von optischen kohärenztomographiesystemen. In Deserno TM, Tolxdorff T, Handels H, Meinzer HP, editors, Bildverarbeitung fur die Medizin 2015: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen, Proceedings des Workshops, 2015. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2015. p. 233-238. (Informatik aktuell). doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-46224-9_41
Stritzel J, Rahlves M, Roth B. Refractive-index measurement and inverse correction using optical coherence tomography. Optics letters. 2015 Dec 1;40(23):5558-5561. Epub 2015 Oct 29. doi: 10.1364/OL.40.005558
Bremer K, Wollweber M, Guenther S, Werner G, Sun T, Grattan KTV et al. Fibre optic humidity sensor designed for highly alkaline environments. In 23rd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors. SPIE. 2014. 9157A4. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering). doi: 10.1117/12.2059637
Bremer K, Meinhardt-Wollweber M, Thiel T, Werner G, Sun T, Grattan KTV et al. Sewerage tunnel leakage detection using a fibre optic moisture-detecting sensor system. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. 2014 Dec 1;220:62-68. Epub 2014 Sept 28. doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2014.09.018
Kelb C, Reithmeier E, Roth B. Planar integrated polymer-based optical strain sensor. In MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XIII. SPIE. 2014. 89770Y. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering). doi: 10.1117/12.2037295
Kniggendorf AK, Meinhardt-Wollweber M, Yuan X, Roth B, Seifert A, Fertig N et al. Temperature-sensitive gating of hCx26: High-resolution Raman spectroscopy sheds light on conformational changes. Biomedical optics express. 2014 Jun 1;5(7):2054-2065. doi: 10.1364/BOE.5.002054
Meinhardt-Wollweber M, Suhr C, Kniggendorf AK, Roth B. Tissue phantoms for multimodal approaches: Raman spectroscopy and optoacoustics. In Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction with Optical Measurement of Tissue VI. SPIE. 2014. 89450B. (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE). doi: 10.1117/12.2038354
Basu C, Meinhardt-Wollweber M, Roth B. Lighting with laser diodes. Advanced Optical Technologies. 2013 Aug 1;2(4):313-321. doi: 10.1515/aot-2013-0031
Behrens BA, Krimm R, Jocker J, Reithmeier E, Roth B, Rahlves M. Method to Emboss Holograms into the Surface of Sheet Metals. In Sheet Metal 2013. 2013. p. 125-132. (Key Engineering Materials). doi: 10.4028/
Díaz Díaz J, Rahlves M, Majdani O, Reithmeier E, Ortmaier T. A one step vs. a multi step geometric calibration of an optical coherence tomography. In Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies VI. SPIE. 2013. 85730D. (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE). doi: 10.1117/12.2005264
Epping JP, Kues M, Slot PJMVD, Lee CJ, Fallnich C, Boller KJ. Integrated CARS Source based on Seeded Four-wave Mixing in Silicon Nitride. Optics Express. 2013 Nov 8;21(26):32123 - 32129. doi: 10.1364/OE.21.032123
Günther A, Basu C, Roth B, Meinhardt-Wollweber M. An ultra-bright white LED based non-contact skin cancer imaging system with polarization control. In Clinical and Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging III. 2013. 87980O. (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE). doi: 10.1117/12.2032567
Hoheisel D, Kelb C, Roth B, Rissing L, Wall M. Fabrication of adhesive lenses using free surface shaping. Journal of the European Optical Society. 2013 Sept 19;8:13065. doi: 10.2971/jeos.2013.13065