Publications of the Applied Photonics Group

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Roth


  • G. Baum, W. Raith, B. Roth, M. Tondera, K. Bartschat, I. Bray, S. Ait-Tahar, I. P. Grant, and P. H. Norrington (1999): Spin-Asymmetries in Low-Energy Electron Scattering from Cesium AtomsPhys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1128
  • G. Baum, N. Pavlovic, and B. Roth (2002): Detailed experimental and theoretical study of elastic scattering at intermediate energies in the electron-cesium systemPhys. Rev. A 66, 022705
  • G. Baum, S. Förster, N. Pavlovic, B. Roth, K. Barschat, I. Bray (2004): Angle-differential cross sections and spin-asymmetry parameters for spin-polarized electron-impact excitation of spin-polarized cesium atomsPhys. Rev. A 70, 012707
  • P K Datta, Chandrajit Basu, S Mukhopadhyay, S K Das, G K Samanta and Antonio Agnesi (2004): Diode array pumped, nonlinear mirror Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser - a good tool for powder SHGPramana-Journal of Physics, Indian Academy of Sciences: (Vol. 63, No. 5, Nov. 2004)
  • B. Roth, U. Fröhlich, and S. Schiller (2005): Sympathetic cooling of 4He+ ions in a Paul trapPhys. Rev. Lett. 94, 053001
  • U. Fröhlich, B. Roth, and S. Schiller (2005): Ellipsoidal Coulomb crystals in a linear Paul trapPhys. Plasmas 12, 073506
  • B. Roth, A. Ostendorf, H. Wenz, and S. Schiller (2005): Production of large molecular ions crystals via sympathetic cooling by laser-cooled Ba+ ionsJ. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 3673-3685
  • P. Blythe, B. Roth, U. Fröhlich, H. Wenz, and S. Schiller (2005): Production of cold trapped molecular hydrogen ionsPhys. Rev. Lett. 95, 183002
  • B. Roth, P. Blythe, H. Wenz, H. Daerr, and S. Schiller (2006): Ion-neutral chemical reactions between ultracold, localized ions and neutral molecules with single-particle resolution"Phys. Rev. A 73, 042712
  • B. Roth, H. Daerr, P. Blythe, L. Patacchini, and S. Schiller (2006): Production of ultracold diatomic and triatomic molecular ions of spectroscopic and astrophysical interestJ. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, S1241-S1258
  • B. Roth, J. Koelemeij, H. Daerr, and S. Schiller (2006): Rovibrational spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions at millikelvin temperaturesPhys. Rev. A 74, 040501(R)
  • A. Ostendorf, C. Zhang, A. Wilson, D. Offenberg, B. Roth, and S. Schiller (2006): Sympathetic cooling of complex molecular ions to millikelvin temperaturesPhys. Rev. Lett. 97, 243005
  • E. Reithmeier, J. Frühauf, M. Rahlves, A. Kraft, M. Seifert (2006): Heißprägen multifunktionaler Kalibriernormale für die optische 3D MikroskopieVDI-Bericht 1950, VDI Verlag, S. 35- 44
  • B. Roth, P. Blythe, and S. Schiller (2007): Motional Resonance Coupling in Cold Multi-Species Coulomb CrystalsPhys. Rev. A 75, 023402
  • J. Koelemeij, B. Roth, I. Ernsting, A. Wicht, and S. Schiller (2007): Vibrational spectroscopy of HD+ with 2-ppb accuracyPhys. Rev. Lett. 98, 173002
  • C.B. Zhang, D. Offenberg, B. Roth, M.A. Wilson, and S. Schiller (2007): Molecular dynamics simulations of multi-species ion crystals in a linear Paul trapPhys. Rev. A 76, 012719
  • J. Koelemeij, B. Roth, and S. Schiller (2007): Cold molecular ions for blackbody thermometry and possible application to ion-based frequency standardsPhys. Rev. A 76, 023413
  • S. Yoo, C. Basu, A. Boyland, C. Sones, J. Nilsson, J. Sahu, and D. Payne (2007): Photodarkening in Yb doped aluminosilicate fibers induced by 488 nm irradiationOptics Letters , Vol. 32, 2007
  • D. Offenberg, C.B. Zhang, Ch. Wellers, B. Roth, and S. Schiller (2008): Translational cooling and storage of protonated proteins in an ion trap at subkelvin temperaturesPhys. Rev. A 78, 061401(R)
  • B. Roth, D. Offenberg, C.B. Zhang, and S. Schiller (2008): Chemical reactions between cold Ba+ ions and neutral molecules in the gas phasePhys. Rev. A 78, 042709
  • S. Schiller, B. Roth, and F. Lewen, O. Ricken, M.C. Wiedner (2009): Ultra-narrow-linewidth continuous-wave THz sources based on multiplier chainsAppl. Phys. B 95, 55-61
  • D. Offenberg, Ch. Wellers, C.B. Zhang, B. Roth, and S. Schiller (2009): Measurement of small photodestruction rates of cold, charged biomolecules in an ion trapJ. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 035101
  • S. Mirzaei, M. Rahlves, T. Fahlbusch, E. Reithmeier (2009): Drehend Messen: Vorteile des Derotators bei der SchwingungsanalyseMessTec & Automation 6/2009
  • C. Pelshenke, B. Denkena, J. Bockhorst, E. Reithmeier, T. Fahlbusch, M. Rahlves (2009): Schnittverlauf beim Trennschleifen von Natursteinen. (Teil 1 - 3)dihw III - IV
  • T. Schneider, B. Roth, H. Duncker, I. Ernsting, and S. Schiller (2010): All-optical Preparation of Molecular Ions in the Rovibrational Ground StateNature Physics 6, 275-278, doi:10.1038/nphys1605
  • E. Reithmeier, T. Vynnyk, T. Schultheis (2010): 3D-measurement Using a Scanning Electron MicroscopeApplied Mathematics and Computation (doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.01.107) | File |
  • T. Vynnyk, T. Schultheis, T. Fahlbusch, E. Reithmeier (2010): 3D-measurement with the stereo scanning electron microscope on sub-micrometer structures (doi: 10.2971/jeos.2010.10038s)JEOS:RP, p. 208-210 | File |
  • A. Leis, M. Kästner, E. Reithmeier (2010): Detektion von Verschleißbereichen mittels ortsaufgelöster 3D-Rauheitsanalysetm - Technisches Messen 11/2010, S. 601-606
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2011): Of microparticles and bacteria identification – (resonance) Raman micro-spectroscopy as a tool for biofilm analysisWater Research (45), 4571-4582. | File |
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, T. W. Gaul, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2011): Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Microorganisms: an algorithm assessment for Resonance Raman SpectraApplied Spectroscopy 65(2), 165-173. | File |
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, T. W. Gaul, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2011): Effects of Ethanol-, Formaldehyde-, and Gentle Heat-Fixation on Resonance Raman Spectra of Three Distinct Type Strains of Purple Non-Sulfur BacteriaMicroscopy Research and Technique 74, 177–183. | File |
  • K. Haskamp, M. Kästner, R. Gillhaus, E. Reithmeier (2011): Numerical Simulation of a Shadow Projection System by Interpolating Diffraction ImagesTM Technisches Messen Heft 02(2011), S. 60 - 68
    DOI: 10.1524/teme.2012.0166
  • M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, R. Krebs (2012): A computational model for previtamin D3 production in skinPhotochem. Photobiol. Sci. 11(4), 731-737 | File |
  • T. Schultheis, D. Hoheisel, W. Xiao, L. Spani Molella, E. Reithmeier, L. Rissing, S. Hardt (2012): Performance of an adaptive liquid microlens controlled by a micro coil actuatorJournal of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (doi:10.1007/s10404-012-0961-3), Springer
  • M. Karow, C. Basu, D. Kracht, J. Neumann, and P. Weßels (2012): TEM00 mode content of a two stage single-frequency Yb-doped PCF MOPA with 246 W of output powerOptics Express, Vol. 20, p 5319-5324 (2012)
  • C. Basu, P. Weßels, J. Neumann and D. Kracht (2012): High Power Single Frequency Solid State MOPA for Gravitational Wave DetectionOptics Letters, Vol. 37, 2012
  • B.-A. Behrens, R. Krimm, J. Jocker, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth, M. Rahlves (2013): Method to Emboss Holograms into the Surface of Sheet MetalsKey Engineering Materials, Vol. 549, Sheet Metal 2013, pp. 125-132
    DOI: 10.4028/
  • C. Basu, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, B. Roth (2013): Lighting with Laser DiodesAdvanced Optical Technologies,
  • A. Hansen, R. Géneaux, A. Günther, A. Krüger, T. Ripken (2013): Lowered Threshold Energy for Femtosecond Laser Induced Optical Breakdown in a Water Based Eye Model by Aberration Correction with Adaptive OpticsBiomedical Optics Express, Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp. 852-867 (2013)
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2014): Foil-integrated 2D optical strain sensorsProcedia Technology 15, 710-715
    DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.09.042
  • K. Bremer, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, T. Thiel, G. Werner, T. Sun, K.T.V. Grattan, B. Roth (2014): Sewerage tunnel leakage detection using a fibre optic moisture-detecting sensor systemSensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 220, 1 December 2014, Pages 62-68
  • M. Rezem, A. Günther, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier (2014): Hot embossing of polymer optical waveguides for sensing applicationsProcedia Technology 15, 514-520
    DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.09.011
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, X. Yuan, B. Roth, A. Seifert, N. Fertig, and C. Zeilinger (2014): Temperature-sensitive gating of hCx26: highresolution Raman spectroscopy sheds light on conformational changesBiomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5, Issue 7, pp. 2054-2065 (2014) | File |
  • S. Dobner, M. Höhl, N. M. Lüpken, and C. Fallnich (2014): Coherence-based axial point-spread function engineering for two-photon excited polymerizationApplied Physics B (2014)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00340-014-5763-8
  • J. Stritzel, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2015): Refractive-index measurements and inverse correction using OCTOpt. Lett. 40(23), 5558-5561
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.40.005558
  • J. Díaz Díaz, J. Stritzel, M. Rahlves, O. Majdani, E. Reithmeier, T. Ortmaier, B. Roth (2015): One step geometrical calibration method for optical coherence tomographyJ. Opt. 18, 015301
    DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/18/1/015301
  • K. Bremer, S. Lochmann, and B. Roth (2015): Grating assisted optical waveguide coupler to excite individual modes of a multi-mode waveguideOptics Communications 356 (2015) 560–564
    DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2015.08.050
  • Ch. Basu, S. Schlangen, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, and B. Roth (2015): Light Source Design for Spectral Tuning in Biomedical ImagingJournal of Medical Imaging 2(4), 044501 (2015)
    DOI: 10.1117/1.JMI.2.4.044501
  • C. Kelb, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2015): Realization and performance of an all-polymer optical planar deformation sensorSensors Journal, IEEE
    DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2472301
  • K. Bremer, B. Roth (2015): Fibre optic surface plasmon resonance sensor system designed for smartphonesOpt. Express 23(13), 17179-17184, DOI:10.1364/OE.23.017179
  • D. Singh, C. Basu, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, and B. Roth (2015): LEDs for Energy Efficient Greenhouse LightingRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier) 49, 139-147 (2015), doi:10.1016/j.rser.2015.04.117
  • M. Rahlves, M. Rezem, K. Boroz, S. Schlangen, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2015): A flexible, fast, and low-cost production process for polymer based diffractive opticsOpt. Express 23(3), 3618-3622
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.003614
  • M. Rahlves, C. Kelb, M. Rezem, S. Schlangen, K. Boroz, D. Gödeke, M. Ihme, B. Roth (2015): Digital mirror devices and liquid crystal displays in maskless lithography for fabrication of polymer-based holographic structuresJ Micro Nanolithogr MEMS MOEMS 14 (4), 041302-1-8
    DOI: 10.1117/1.JMM.14.4.041302
  • M. Rahlves, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier (2015): Systematic errors on curved microstructures caused by aberrations in confocal surface metrologyOpt. Express 23(8), 9640-9648
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.009640
  • A. Günther, A.B. Petermann, U. Gleissner, T. Hanemann, E. Reithmeier, M. Rahlves, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, U. Morgner, B. Roth (2015): Cladded self-written multimode step-index waveguides using a one-polymer approachOpt. Lett. 40(8), 1830-1833
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.40.001830
  • C. Brée, G. Steinmeyer, I. Babushkin, U. Morgner, and A. Demircan (2016): Controlling formation and suppression of fiber-optical rogue wavesOptics Letters 41, 3515
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.41.003515
  • I. Babushkin, S. Amiranashvili, C. Brée, U. Morgner, G.Steinmeyer, A. Demircan (2016): The Effect of Chirp on Pulse Compression at a Group Velocity Horizon IEEE Photonics Journal 8, 7803113
    DOI: 6 10.1109/JPHOT.2016.2570001
  • R. M. Arkhipov, M. V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, and N. N. Rosanov (2016): Ultrafast creation and control of population density gratings via ultraslow polarization waves Opt. Lett. 41, 4983-4986
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.41.004983
  • S. Birkholz, C. Brée, I. Veselić, A. Demircan, G Steinmeyer (2016): Ocean rogue waves and their phase space dynamics in the limit of a linear interference modelScientific Reports 6, 35207
    DOI: 10.1038/srep35207
  • W. Pätzold, C. Reinhardt, A. Demircan, and U. Morgner (2016): Cascaded-focus laser writing of low-loss waveguides in polymers Optics Letters 41, 1269-1272
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.41.001269
  • A. Varkentin, M. Mazurenka, E. Blumenröther, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, M. Rahlves, S. M. C. Broekaert, S. Schäd-Trcka, S. Emmert, U. Morgner and B. Roth (2016): Comparative study of presurgical skin infiltration depth measurements of melanocytic lesions with OCT and high frequency ultrasoundJournal of Biophotonics (2016)
    DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201600139
  • A.B. Petermann, M. Rezem, B. Roth, U. Morgner, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2016): Surface-immobilized whispering gallery mode resonator spheres for optical sensingSensors and Actuators A: Physical 252, 82–88 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2016.11.006
  • E. Blumenröther, O. Melchert, M. Wollweber and B. Roth (2016): Detection, numerical simulation and approximate inversion of optoacoustic signals generated in multi-layered PVA hydrogel based tissue phantomsPhotoacoustics 4 (2016) 125-132
    DOI: 10.1016/j.pacs.2016.10.002
  • A. Varkentin, M. Otte, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, M. Rahlves, M. Mazurenka, U. Morgner and B. Roth (2016): Simple model to simulate OCT-depth signal in weakly and strongly scattering homogeneous mediaJ. Opt. 18 125302 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/18/12/125302
  • C. Kelb, Welm M. Pätzold, U. Morgner, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): Characterization of femtosecond laser written gratings in PMMA using a phase-retrieval approachOpt. Mater. Express 6(10), 3202-3209
    DOI: 10.1364/OME.6.003202
  • M. Akin, M. Rezem, M. Rahlves, K. Cromwell, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier, M. Wurz, L. Rissing, H.-J. Maier (2016): Direct hot embossing of micro-elements by means of photostructurable polyimideJournal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS 15(3), 034506 1-8
    DOI: 10.1117/1.JMM.15.3.034506
  • M. Koch, C. Suhr, B. Roth and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2016): Iterative morphological and mollifier-based baseline correction for Raman spectraJ. Raman Spectrosc.
    DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5010
  • L.S.M. Alwis, H. Bustamante, B. Roth, K. Bremer, T. Sun, and K. Grattan (2016): Evaluation of the durability and performance of FBG-based sensors for monitoring moisture in an aggressive gaseous waste sewer environmentJournal of Lightwave Technology
    DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2016.2593260
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, R. Nogueira, C. Kelb, P. Schadzek, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, A. Ngezahayo, B. Roth (2016): Confocal Raman Microscopy and Fluorescent in situ Hybridization - a complementary approach for biofilm analysisChemosphere, 2016
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.06.096
  • M. Rahlves, C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2016): Methodology for the design, production, and test of plastic optical displacement sensorsAdv. Opt. Techn.
    DOI: 10.1515/aot-2016-0027
  • U. Gleißner, B. Khatri, C. Megnin, S. Sherman, Y. Xiao, M. Hofmann, A. Günther, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, H. Zappe, T. Hanemann (2016): Optically and rheologically tailored polymers for applications in integrated opticsSensors and Actuators A: Physical 241, 224–230
    DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2016.02.029
  • A.B. Petermann, A. Varkentin, B. Roth, U. Morgner, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2016): All-polymer whispering gallery mode sensor in the low-Q regimeOptics Express 24(6), 6052-6062 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.006052
  • C. Kelb, R. Rother, A.-K. Schuler, M. Hinkelmann, M. Rahlves, O. Prucker, C. Mueller, J. Rühe, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): Manufacturing of embedded multimode waveguides by reactive lamination of cyclic olefin polymer and polymethylmethacrylateOpt. Eng. 55(3), 037103 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.55.3.037103
  • S. Schlangen, M. Ihme, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2016): Autofocusing system for spatial light modulator-based maskless lithographyApplied Optics 55(8), 1863-1870 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.001863
  • I. Krasnikov, C. Suhr, A. Seteikin, B. Roth, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2016): Two efficient approaches for modeling of Raman scattering in homogeneous turbid mediaJ. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 33(3), 426-433 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.33.000426
  • M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, A. Heratizadeh, C. Basu, A. Günther, S. Schlangen, T. Werfel, V. Schacht, S. Emmert, H. A. Haenssle, B. Roth (2017): A non-contact remote digital dermoscope to support cancer screening and diagnosis of inflammatory skin diseaseBiomed. Phys. Eng. Express 3 (2017)
    DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/aa84d3
  • J. Stritzel, O. Melchert, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2017): Effective one-dimensional approach to the source reconstruction problem of three-dimensional inverse optoacousticsPhys. Rev. E 96 (2017) 033308
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.033308
  • M. Koch, A.-K. Kniggendorf, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, B. Roth (2017): In vivo determination of carotenoid resonance excitation profiles of Chlorella vulgaris, Haematococcus pluvialis, and Porphyridium purpureumJournal of Raman Spectroscopy
    DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5292
  • R. M. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, M. V. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan, U. Morgner & N. N. Rosanov (2017): Population density gratings induced by few-cycle optical pulses in a resonant mediumScientific Reports 7, 12467
    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-12267-w
  • I. Krasnikov, A. Seteikin, A.-K. Kniggendorf, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, and B. Roth (2017): Simulation of Raman scattering including detector parameters and sampling volumeJ. Opt. Soc. Am. 34(12), 2138-2144 (2017)
    DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.34.002138
  • M. Höhl, D. DeTemple, S. Lyutenski, G. Leuteritz, A. Varkentin, H. A. Schmitt, T. Lenarz, B. Roth, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, and U. Morgner (2017): Optical properties of the human round window membraneJournal of Biomedical Optics 22(10), 105007 (2017)
    DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.10.105007
  • M. Mazurenka, L. Behrendt, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, U. Morgner, and B. Roth (2017): Development of a combined OCT-Raman probe for the prospective in vivo clinical melanoma skin cancer screening Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 105103
    DOI: 10.1063/1.5004999
  • N. Raabe, T. Feng, T. Witting, A. Demircan, C. Brée, and G. Steinmeyer (2017): Role of Intrapulse Coherence in Carrier-Envelope Phase StabilizationPhysical Review Letters 119, 123901
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.123901
  • M. Höhl, B. Roth, U. Morgner, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2017): Efficient procedure for the measurement of preresonant excitation profiles in UV Raman spectroscopyReview of Scientific Instruments 88, 073105 (2017)
    DOI: 10.1063/1.4994891
  • M. Rahlves, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier (2017): Confocal signal evaluation algorithms for surface metrology: uncertainty and numerical efficiencyAppl. Opt. 56(21), 5920-5926
    DOI: 10.1364/AO.56.005920
  • M. V. Arkhipov, R. M. Arkhipov, A. V. Pakhomov, I. V. Babushkin, A. Demircan, U. Morgner, and N. N. Rosanov (2017): Generation of unipolar half-cycle pulses via unusual reflection of a single-cycle pulse from an optically thin metallic or dielectric layerOptics Letters 42, 2189-2192
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.42.002189
  • S. Sujathan, A.-K. Kniggendorf, A. Kumar, B. Roth, K.-H. Rosenwinkel, R. Nogueira (2017): Heat and Bleach: A Cost-Efficient Method for Extracting Microplastics from Return Activated SludgeArchives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
    DOI: 10.1007/s00244-017-0415-8
  • W. M. Pätzold, A. Demircan, and U. Morgner (2017): Low-loss curved waveguides in polymers written with a femtosecond laserOptics Express 25, 263-270
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.000263
  • I. Babushkin, C. Brée, C. M. Dietrich, A. Demircan, U. Morgner und A. Husakou (2017): Terahertz and higher-order Brunel harmonics: from tunnel to multiphoton ionization regime in tailored fieldsJournal of Modern Optics 64, 1078–1087
    DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2017.1285066
  • I. Babushkin, A. Tajalli, H. Sayinc, U. Morgner, G. Steinmeyer and A. Demircan (2017): Simple route toward efficient frequency conversion for generation of fully coherent supercontinua in the mid-IR and UV regimeLight: Science & Applications 6, e16218
    DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2016.218
  • C. Brèe, I. Babushkin, U. Morgner, A. Demircan (2017): Regularizing Aperiodic Cycles of Resonant Radiation in Filament Light BulletsPysical Review Letters 118, 163901
    DOI: 10.1038/lsa.2016.218
  • M. Koch, S. Zagermann, A.-K. Kniggendorf, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber and B. Roth (2017): Violaxanthin cycle kinetics analysed in vivo with resonance Raman spectroscopyJ. Raman Spectrosc.
    DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5102
  • A. Günther, S. Schneider, M. Rezem, Y. Wang, U. Gleissner, T. Hanemann, L. Overmeyer, E. Reithmeier, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2017): Automated misalignment compensating interconnecs based on self-written waveguidesJ. Lightwave Technol. 35(13), 2678 - 2684
    DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2017.2692305
  • C. Kelb, M. Körner, O. Prucker, J. Rühe, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2017): PDMAA Hydrogel Coated U-Bend Humidity Sensor Suited for Mass-ProductionSensors, 17(3), 517 (2017)
    DOI: 10.3390/s17030517
  • K. Bremer, T. Reinsch, G. Leen, B. Roth, S. Lochmann, and E. Lewis (2017): Pressure, temperature and refractive index determination of fluids using a single fibre optic point sensorSensors and Actuators A: Physical 256, 84–88 (2017)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2017.01.025
  • K. Bremer, F. Weigand, Y. Zheng, L.S. Alwis, R. Helbig and B. Roth (2017): Structural Health Monitoring Using Textile Reinforcement Structures with Integrated Optical Fiber SensorsSensors 2017, 17(2), 345 (2017)
    DOI: 10.3390/s17020345
  • M. Rezem, A. Günther, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier and M. Rahlves (2017): Low-Cost Fabrication of All-Polymer Components for Integrated PhotonicsJ. Lightwave Technol. 35(2), 299-308
    DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2016.2639740
  • M. Suar, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2018): Numerical Investigations on Polymer-Based Bent CouplersJOSA B 35(8), 1896-1904
    DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.35.001896
  • M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, C. Suhr, A. Kniggendorf, and B. Roth (2018): Carotenoid-stained poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel - a tissue phantom suitable for combined Raman spectroscopy and optoacousticsAIP Advances 8, 055320
    DOI: 10.1063/1.5025788
  • M.V. Arkhipov, A.A. Shimko, R.M. Arkhipov, I. Babushkin, A.A. Kalinichev, A. Demircan, U. Morgner and N.N. Rosanov (2018): Mode-locking based on zero-area pulse formation in a laser with a coherent absorberLaser Physics Letters 15 ,075003
    DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/aac1a0
  • Y. Zheng, K. Bremer, B. Roth (2018): Investigating the Strain, Temperature and Humidity Sensitivity of a Multimode Graded-Index Perfluorinated Polymer Optical Fiber with Bragg GratingSensors 2018, 18(5), 1436
    DOI: 10.3390/s18051436
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, Y. Zheng, S. Böhm , M. Steinke, F. Wellmann, J. Neumann, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer (2018): Long-Period Gratings in Highly Germanium-Doped, Single-Mode Optical Fibers for Sensing ApplicationsSensors 2018, 18(5), 1363
    DOI: 10.3390/s18051363
  • A. Varkentin, M. Mazurenka, E. Blumenröther, L. Behrendt, S. Emmert, U. Morgner, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2018): Trimodal system for in vivo skin cancer screening with combined OCT-Raman and co-localized optoacoustic measurementsJournal of Biophotonics
    DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201700288
  • O. Melchert, E. Blumenröther, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2018): Numerical prediction and measurement of optoacoustic signals generated in PVA-H tissue phantomsEur. Phys. J. D 72 (2018) 19
    DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2017-80578-6
  • O. Melchert, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2018): An efficient procedure for custom beam-profile convolution in polar coordinates: testing, benchmarking and application to biophotonicsBiomedical Physics & Engineering Express
    DOI: 10.1088/2057-1976/aaa51a
  • O. Kosareva, M. Esaulkov, N. Panov, V. Andreeva, D. Shipilo, P. Solyankin, A. Demircan, I. Babushkin, V. Makarov, U. Morgner, A. Shkurinov, and A. Savel’ev (2018): Polarization control of terahertz radiation from two-color femtosecond gas breakdown plasma Optics Letters 43, 90-93
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.43.000090
  • M.S. Khan, M. Rahlves, R. Lachmayer, B. Roth (2018): Polymer-based diffractive optical elements for rear end automotive applications: design and fabrication processAppl. Opt. 57, 9106-9113 (2018)
    DOI: 10.1364/AO.57.009106
  • K. Bremer, L.S.M. Alwis, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, Y. Zheng, M. Krüger, R. Helbig, B. Roth (2018): Evaluating the Performance of Functionalized Carbon Structures with Integrated Optical Fiber Sensors under Practical ConditionsSensors 2018, 18(11), 3923
    DOI: 10.3390/s18113923
  • A.B. Petermann, T. Hildebrandt, U. Morgner, B. Roth, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2018): Polymer Based Whispering Gallery Mode Humidity SensorSensors, 18(7), 2383
    DOI: 10.3390/s18072383
  • M. Rahlves, A. Günther, M. Rezem, B. Roth (2018): Polymer-based transmission path for communication and sensing applicationsJournal of Lightwave Technology 37(3), 729 - 735
    DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2018.2878291
  • E. Blumenröther, O. Melchert, J. Kanngießer, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2018): Single transparent piezoelectric detector for optoacoustic sensing - design and signal processingSensors
  • I.V. Krasnikov, A.Yu. Seteikin, B. Roth, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2018): Simulation of Raman scattering signals in biological tissues by direct and two-step approachesJournal of Technical Physics 124, 184
    DOI: 10.21883 / OS.2018.02.45521.184-17
  • O. Melchert, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2019): Optoacoustic inversion via convolution kernel reconstruction in the paraxial approximation and beyondPhotoacoustics 13 (2019) 1-5
    DOI: 10.1016/j.pacs.2018.10.004
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2019): Iterative wavefront correction for complex spectral domain optical coherence tomography, Optics LettersOptics Letters
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.001347
  • A. Kniggendorf, C. Wetzel, B. Roth (2019): Microplastics Detection in Streaming Tap Water with Raman SpectroscopySensors 19(8), 1839
    DOI: 10.3390/s19081839
  • M. Höhl, C. Zeilinger, B. Roth, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, U. Morgner (2019): Multivariate discrimination of heat shock proteins using a fiber optic Raman setup for in situ analysis of human perilymphReview of Scientific Instruments 90, 043110
    DOI: 10.1063/1.5030301
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, S. Böhm, Felix Wellmann, M. Steinke, J. Neumann, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer (2019): Grating assisted glass fiber coupler for mode selective co-directional couplingOptics Letters 44(9), 2342-2345
    DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.002342
  • I. Krasnikov, C. Suhr, A. Seteikin, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, B. Roth (2019): Monte Carlo simulation of the influence of internal optical absorption on the external Raman signal for biological samplesJ. Opt. Soc. Am. A 36(5), 877-882
    DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.36.000877
  • A. Kniggendorf, D. Schmidt, B. Roth, O. Plettenburg, C. Zeilinger (2019): pH-Dependent Conformational Changes of KcsA Tetramer and Monomer Probed by Raman SpectroscopyInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
    DOI: 10.3390/ijms20112736
  • M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2019): Raman Sensing and Its Multimodal Combination with Optoacoustics and OCT for Applications in the Life SciencesSensors 19(10)
    DOI: 10.3390/s19102387
  • D. Fricke, E. Denker, A. Heratizadeh, T. Werfel, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2019): Non-Contact Dermatoscope with Ultra-Bright Light Source and Liquid Lens-Based Autofocus FunctionApplied Sciences 9(11), 2177
    DOI: 10.3390/app9112177
  • K. Bremer, L.S.M. Alwis, Y. Zheng, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, B. Roth (2019): Durability of Functionalized Carbon Structures with Optical Fiber Sensors in a Highly Alkaline Concrete EnvironmentAppl. Sci. 9(12), 2476
    DOI: 10.3390/app9122476
  • O. Melchert, B. Roth, U. Morgner, A. Demircan (2019): OptFROG - Analytic signal spectrograms with optimized time-frequency resolutionSoftwareX 10 (2019) 100275
    DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2019.100275
  • I. Krasnikov, A. Seteikin, B. Roth (2019): Advances in the simulation of light-tissue interactions in biomedical engineeringBiomedical Engineering Letters (BMEL) (2019), 9(3), pp. 327–337
    DOI: 10.1007/s13534-019-00123-x
  • M.L. Torres-Mapa, M. Singh, O. Simon, J.L. Mapa, M. Machida, A. Günther, B. Roth, D. Heinemann, M. Terakawa, and A. Heisterkamp (2019): Fabrication of a monolithic lab-on-a-chip platform with integrated hydrogel waveguides for chemical sensingSensors 2019, 19(19), 4333
    DOI: 10.3390/s19194333
  • L. Zheng, U. Zywietz, A. Evlyukhin, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer, C. Reinhardt (2019): Experimental demonstration of surface plasmon polariton reflection and transmission effectsSensors 2019, 19, 4633
    DOI: 10.3390/s19214633
  • A. Heratizadeh, D. Fricke, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, B. Roth, T. Werfel (2019): Non-contact remote digital dermoscopy - new perspectives on differential diagnosis of inflammatory skin diseasesJournal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2019, JEADV-2019-1327.R1
    DOI: 10.1111/jdv.16056
  • M. Prante, T. Schüling, B. Roth, K. Bremer, J. Walter (2019): Characterization of an Aptamer Directed against 25-Hydroxyvitamin D for the Development of a Competitive Aptamer-Based AssayBiosensors 2019, 9, 134
    DOI: 10.3390/bios9040134
  • O. Melchert, S. Willms, S. Bose, A. Yulin, B. Roth, F. Mitschke, U. Morgner, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan (2019): Soliton molecules with two frequenciesPhys. Rev. Lett. 123, 243905
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.243905
  • D. Fricke, A. Becker, L. Jütte, M. Bode, D. de Cassan, M. Wollweber, B. Glasmacher, B. Roth (2019): Mueller Matrix Measurement of Electrospun Fiber Scaffolds for Tissue EngineeringPolymers 2019, 11, 2062
    DOI: 10.3390/polym11122062
  • M. Suar, O. Melchert, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2019): Experimental and theoretical study of the formation process of photopolymer based self-written waveguidesOpt. Express 27
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.27.038326
  • K. Bremer, L. Alwis, Y. Zheng, B. Roth (2020): Towards mode-multiplexed fiber sensors: an investigation on the spectral response of etched graded index OM4 multi-mode fiber with Bragg grating for refractive index and temperature measurementApplied Sciences 2020, 10(1), 337
    DOI: 10.3390/app10010337
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, R. Nogueira, S.N. Bahmanabad, A. Pommerening-Röser, and B.W. Roth (2020): Small Sample Stress: Probing Oxygen-Deprived Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria with Raman Spectroscopy in VivoMicroorganisms 2020, 8(3), 432
    DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8030432
  • J. Kanngiesser and B. Roth (2020): Effect of image artefacts on phase conjugation with spectral domain optical coherence tomographyOptics Express 28(12), 18224-18240 (2020)
    DOI: 10.1364/OE.393259
  • J.-G. Walter, A. Eilers, L.S.M. Alwis, B. Roth, and Kort Bremer (2020): SPR biosensor based on polymer multi-mode optical waveguide and nanoparticle signal enhancementSensors 2020, 20(10), 2889
    DOI: 10.3390/s20102889
  • D. Fricke, A. Becker, A. Heratizadeh, S. Knigge, L. Jütte, M. Wollweber, T. Werfel, B. Roth, and B. Glasmacher (2020): Mueller matrix analysis of collagen and gelatin containing samples towards more objective skin tissue diagnosticsPolymers 2020, 12, 1400
    DOI: 10.3390/polym12061400
  • M.S. Khan, R. Lachmayer, and B. Roth (2020): Maskless lithography for versatile and low cost fabrication of polymer based micro optical structuresOSA Continuum (2020)
    DOI: 10.1364/OSAC.400056
  • M. Suar, M. Baran, A. Guenther, and B. Roth (2020): Combined thermomechanical and optical simulations of planar-optical polymer waveguidesJournal of Optics 22(2020) 125801 (9pp)
    DOI: 020
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, R. Nogueira, C. Lorey, and B. Roth (2020): Calcium carbonate deposits and microbial assemblages on microplastics in oligotrophic freshwatersChemosphere (2020)
  • M.S. Khan, W.M. Saeed, B. Roth, and R. Lachmayer (2020): Diffractive optics based automotive lighting systemAdvanced Optical Technologies (2020), AOT.2020.0055
  • J.-G. Walter, L.S.M. Alwis, B. Roth, and Kort Bremer (2020): All-optical planar polymer waveguide-based biosensor chip designed for smartphone-assisted detection of vitamin DSensors 2020, 20, 6771
    DOI: doi:10.3390/s20236771
  • J. Kanngiesser and B. Roth (2020): Wavefront shaping concepts for application in optical coherence tomography – a reviewSensors 2020, 20, 7044
    DOI: 10.3390/s20247044
  • M.S. Khan, H. Farooq, C. Wittmund, S. Klimke, R. Lachmayer, F. Renz, and B. Roth (2021): Polymer optical waveguide sensor with Fe-Amino-Triazole complex based molecular switchesPolymers 2021, 13, 195
  • L. Zheng, U. Zywietz, T. Birr, M. Duderstadt, L. Overmeyer, B. Roth, and C. Reinhardt (2021): UV-LED projection photolithography for high-resolution functional photonic componentsMicrosystems and Nanoengineering 7:64
  • L.S.M. Alwis, K. Bremer, and B. Roth (2021): Fiber Optic Sensors Embedded in Textile-Reinforced Concrete for Smart Structural Health Monitoring: A ReviewSensors, 21, 4948
  • Y. Zhu, S. Bengsch, L. Zheng, Y. Long, B.W. Roth, M.C. Wurz, J. Twiefel, and J. Wallaschek (2021): Experimental Investigation of the Rapid Fabrication of Micron and Submicron Structures on Polymers Utilizing Ultrasonic Assisted EmbossingPolymers, 13, 2417
  • L. Beichert, Y. Binhammer, J.R.C. Andrade, R. Mevert, A.-K. Kniggendorf, B. Roth, and U. Morgner (2021): Real-time Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy with a Non-collinear Optical Parametric OscillatorOptics Express 29(20), 31499-31507
  • A. Günther, M. Baran, W. Kowalsky, and B. Roth (2021): Simulation and Experimental Verification of the Thermal Behaviour of Self-Written WaveguidesApplied Sciences 2021, 11, 7881
  • L. Leffers, J. Locmelis, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and L. Overmeyer (2021): Optical Bend Sensor based on Eccentrically Micro-Structured Multimode Polymer Optical FibresIEEE Photonics Journal 13(5), 6800307
    DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2021.3111298
  • A. Günther, M. Baran, R. Garg, B. Roth, and W. Kowalsky (2021): Analysis of the thermal behavior of self-written waveguides to assess usability as temperature sensorOptics and Lasers in Engineering 151, 106922
  • L. Jütte, G. Sharma, D. Fricke, M. Franke, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2021): Mueller matrix based approach for the ex vivo detection of collagen cross-linking effects in transparent biotissueApplied Sciences 2021, 11, 11515

Conferences / Proceedings

  • G. Bartl, G. Gülker, K.D. Hinsch, M. Rahlves (2006): Performance criteria in low coherence speckle interferometry (LCSI)Proceedings SPIE 'Speckles, from Grains to Flowers' (Speckle 06) 6341
  • M. Rahlves, A. Gräper, A. Kraft, E. Reithmeier (2006): Entwicklung multifunktionaler Kalibriernormale für bildverarbeitende 3D-Mikroskope107. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (DGaO)
  • M. Rahlves, M. Seifert, T. Fahlbusch, J. Frühauf, E. Reithmeier (2007): Bewertung von Weißlichtinterferometermessungen mit einer Kantenteststruktur 108 Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (DGaO)
  • T. Schultheis, T. Fahlbusch, M. Rahlves, L. Spani Molella, E. Reithmeier (2008): Brennweitenvariation fluidischer Mikrooptiken, Zweiter Workshop Optische TechnologienZweiter Workshop Optische Technologien, S. 158-160, Hannover, 17 November 2008, ISBN 978-3-941416-17-8
  • T. Dziomba, M. Shaleev, M. Rahlves, J. Seewig, R. Krüger-Sehm (2008): Self-assembled Ge/Si islands as novel nano-roughness standards for SFMProceeding of the XII International Colloquium on Surfaces
  • M. Rahlves, T. Fahlbusch, E. Reithmeier (2008): Bewertungen von Weißlichtinterferometermessungen mit KantenteststrukturErster Workshop Optische Technologien – HOT Template Tagungsbeitrag
  • T. Schultheis, T. Vynnyk, T. Fahlbusch, E. Reithmeier (2009): Enhanced stereo SEM measurement of sub-micrometer structuresProceedings of the 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OμS'09), Capri, Italy, 27th-30th September 2009, ISBN 978-3-00-024191-8 | File |
  • S. Mirzaei, M. Rahlves, T. Fahlbusch, E. Reithmeier (2009): Application of an Optomechanical Image Derotator for Measuring Vibration and Deformation of Rotating ObjectsProceedings Optimess (2009)
  • M. Rahlves, S. Mirzaei, T. Fahlbusch, E. Reithmeier (2009): In-plane and out-of-plane deformation and vibration measurement using an optomechanical image derotatorProc. SPIE 'Optical Inspection and Metrology for Non-Optics Industries' (Optics and Photonics) 7432
  • T. Schultheis, T. Fahlbusch, L. Spani Molella, E. Reithmeier (2010): Electromagnetic control of microoptics: Adaptive systems based on ferrofluidic actuatorsDritter Workshop Optische Technologien, S. 208-210, Hannover, 23. November 2009, ISBN: 978-3-941416-63-5
  • T. Schultheis, L. Spani-Molella, E. Reithmeier (2010): Determination of the optical properties of a magnetically driven liquid lens by raytracingProceedings of the EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2010), Paris, France, 26th-29th October 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-030509-2
  • M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2010): Action Spectra for UV Effects – UV Filtering by Human SkinNIWA Information Series 77, "UV Radiation and its Effects: an update 2010", pp. 63-64, ISBN 978-0-478-23289-9, ISSN 1174-264X. | File |
  • A. Leis, M. Kästner, E. Reithmeier (2010): Oberflächenschadenskontrolle mit dem StreulichtsensorTagungsband des dritten Workshops für Optische Technologien, S. 202-208
  • J. von Hollen, A. Leis, G. Poll, E. Reithmeier (2010): Einfluss von Beschädigungen der Gegenlauffläche auf das tribologische Verhalten von Radialwellendichtringen und Verfahren zur messtechnischen Detektion und Charakterisierung51. Tribologie-Fachtagung, 27. bis 29. September 2010 in Göttingen, S. 1-24
  • T. Schultheis, L. Spani Molella, E. Reithmeier (2011): Optical Measurement on a Small Aperture Liquid LensProceedings of the 4th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS'11), Capri, Italy, 26 - 28 September 2011, ISBN 978-3-00-033710-9 | File |
  • D. Hoheisel, T. Schultheis, L. Spani Molella, E. Reithmeier, L. Rissing (2011): Konzept und Fertigung von Komponenten eines ferrofluidischen MikroaktorsProceedings of the MST-Congress 2011, 10.-12. Oktober 2011, Darmstadt, VDE Verlag: Berlin Offenbach, 2011, pp. 273-276, ISBN 978-3-8007-3367-5 | File |
  • T. Schultheis, L. Spani Molella, E. Reithmeier (2011): An Innovative Concept of a Magnetically Driven Liquid LensProceedings of the EOS Conferences at the World of Photonics Congress 2011, München, 23. - 25. Mai 2011, ISBN: 978-3-00-033713-0 | File |
  • M. Rahlves, R. Gillhaus, E. Reithmeier (2011): Edge Artefacts in Confocal MicroscopyProceedings of the 4th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS'11), Capri, Italy, 26 - 28 September 2011
  • C. Kelb, D. Hoheisel, L. Rissing, E. Reithmeier (2012): Optical and Mechanical Properties of a Polyimide Membrane for Tunable LensesProc. SPIE 8489, Polymer Optics and Molded Glass Optics: Design, Fabrication, and Materials II; doi:10.1117/12.929773
  • M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2012): Combining optoacoustics and resonance Raman spectroscopy for quantification of biomolecules in situProc. SPIE 8219: Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy VII: Advances in Research and Industry, 821902 | File |
  • B.-A. Behrens, J. Jocker, E. Reithmeier, A. Leis, M. Rahlves (2012): Werkzeuge zum direkten Prägen von Hologrammen in Blechwerkstoffe – holografische Elemente als Sicherheitsmerkmal und DesignelementeTagungsband zum 32. EFB-Kolloquium Blechverarbeitung am 14.-15.02.2012 in Bad Boll, S.77-96
  • J. Díaz Díaz, M. Rahlves, T. Rau, O. Majdani, E. Reithmeier, T. Ortmaier (2012): Suitability of Optical Coherence Tomography for an Intra-Operative Navigation System by Estimation of the Fiducial Localization ErrorProceedings of the 26th International Congress on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2012)
  • J. Díaz Díaz, M. Rahlves, O. Majdani, E. Reithmeier, T. Ortmaier (2012): Towards a one step geometric calibration of an optical coherence tomographyProceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers/Chinese Optical Society Photonics Asia 2012 (SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2012)
  • Díaz Díaz, J.; Rahlves, M.; Majdani, O.; Reithmeier, E.; Ortmaier, T. (2013): A one step vs. a multi step geometric calibration of an optical coherence tomographyProceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Photonics West 2013 (SPIE Photonics West 2013)
  • M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, C. Suhr, A. Kniggendorf, and B. Roth (2014): Tissue phantoms for multimodal approaches - Raman spectroscopy and optoacousticsProceedings SPIE 8945 (Photonics West 2014, BIOS, San Francisco, USA): Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction with Optical Measurement of Tissue VI, 89450B (3 March, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2038354
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2014): Planar integrated polymer-based optical strain sensorProceedings SPIE 8977 (Photonics West 2014, MOEMS-MEMS, San Francisco, USA): MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XIII, 89770Y (March 7, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2037295
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, B. Roth (2014): Bacterial Phylogeny in vivo: cytochrome-c based Resonance Raman microscopyConference: XXIV. International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS) 2014, At Jena, Germany | File |
  • K. Bremer ; M. Wollweber ; S. Guenther ; G. Werner ; T. Sun ; K. T. V. Grattan ; B. Roth (2014): Fibre optic humidity sensor designed for highly alkaline environmentsProc. SPIE 9157, 23rd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, 9157A4 (June 2, 2014)
  • M. Akin, M. Rezem, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier, L. Rissing (2014): Direct hot embossing of micro-elements by means of UV-structurable polyimide 40th International Conference on Micro and Nanoengineering, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 22-26
  • K. Bethmann, R. Orghici, E. Pichler, U. Zywietz, T. Schimdt, U. Gleissner, C. Kelb, B. Roth, C. Reinhardt, U. Willer, and W. Schade (2015): New design for a wavelength demultiplexing deviceProceedings SPIE.DSS – Defense, Security, and Sensing, Baltimore, USA
  • E. Pichler, K. Bethmann, U. Zywietz, C. Spad, U. Gleissner, C. Kelb, B. Roth, C. Reinhardt, U. Willer, and W. Schade (2015): Ring resonators in polymer foils for sensing of gaseous speciesProceedings SPIE.DSS – Defense, Security, and Sensing, Baltimore, USA
  • F.-W. Reineke, K. Bremer, M. Wollweber, G. Delgehausen, B. Roth, F. Weigand, R. Helbig, T. Thiel, G. Werner, S. Günther, and M. Göbel (2015): Kontinuierliche Zustandsüberwachung von RohrsystemenT. Wegener (Hrsg.), Tagungsband zum 29. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum, Schriftenreihe aus dem Institut für Rohrleitungsbau Oldenburg IRO, Band 41, pp 308-313, Vulkan Verlag
    ISBN: 978-3-8027-2791-7
  • A. Ahrens, A. Sandmann, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and S. Lochmann (2015): Optical Fibre Sensors based on Multi-Mode fibres and MIMO signal processing: an experimental approachProceedings of the 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24 2015, Curitiba, Brazil, edited by H. J. Kalinowski, J. L. Fabris, W. J. Bock, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96345W
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2195114 (2015)
  • C. Basu, M. Royer, P. Sharma, and B. Roth (2015): Electronic drivers for laser headlampsProceedings of ‘11th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting - ISAL 2015’, pp 415-419, Darmstadt, Germany (2015); Herbert Utz Verlag GmbH, München
    ISBN: 978-3-8316-4482-7
  • E. Pichler, K. Bethmann, U. Zywietz, C. Spad, U. Gleissner, C. Kelb, B. Roth, C. Reinhardt, U. Willer, W. Schade (2015): Ring resonators in polymer foils for sensing of gaseous speciesProc. SPIE 9486, Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies XII, 948613 (13 May 2015); doi: 10.1117/12.2183336
  • K. Bethmann, R. Orghici, E. Pichler, U. Zywietz, T. Schimdt, U. Gleissner, C. Kelb, B. Roth, C. Reinhardt, U. Willer, and W. Schade (2015): New design for a wavelength demultiplexing deviceProc. SPIE 9480, Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications XII, 948010 (3 June 2015); doi: 10.1117/12.2183328
  • H. Wabnitz, M. Mazurenka, K. Fuchs, L. Di Sieno, G. Boso, D. Contini, A. Dalla Mora, A. Tosi, Y. Hoshi, A. Pifferi, R. Macdonald (2015): Non-contact scanning time-domain functional optical imaging of the adult human brainProc. SPIE 9538, 953802 (2015)
  • A. Pifferi, F. Martelli, L. Spinelli, A. Farina, R. Re, G. Quarto, S. Konugolu Venkata Sekar, A. Torricelli, R. Cubeddu, M. Mazurenka, R. Macdonald, H. Wabnitz (2015): Design and construction of a solid switchable phantom for diffuse optical imagingProc. SPIE 9538, 95380Q (2015)
  • J. Stritzel, J. Díaz Díaz, M. Rahlves, O. Majdani, T. Ortmaier, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2015): Korrektur geometrischer Verzeichnungen zur Kalibrierung von optischen KohärenztomographiesystemenSpringer-Verlag, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015: S. 233-238
  • M. Rezem, A. Günther, A. B. Petermann, C. Kelb, M. Rahlves, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2015): Production and characterization of all-polymer based optical waveguides and interconnects Proceedings of the DGaO, 116th Annual Meeting of the DGaO, 26-29 May, Brno, Czech Republic
  • M. Rahlves, M. Rezem, C. Kelb, K. Boroz, D. Gödeke, S. Schlangen, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2015): Lab-level and low-cost fabrication technique for polymer based micro-optical elements and holographic structuresProc. SPIE Vol. 9508 (Holography: Advances and Modern Trends IV)
  • M. Höhl, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, U. Morgner, H. Schmitt, and T. Lenarz (2016): Resonance Raman spectroscopy of amino acids and proteinsDGaO Proceedings 2016
    ISBN: 1614-8436 - urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-C025-1
  • G. Steinmeyer, C. Brée, A. Demircan (2016): Rogue waves: will a forecast ever be possible?SPIE Newsroom
    DOI: 10.1117/2.1201602.006367
  • M. Turowski, M. Jupé, T. Melzig, A. Pflug, A. Demircan, D. Ristau (2016): Multiple Scale Modeling of PVD Sputter ProcessesOptical Interference Coatings, WB. 4
    DOI: 10.1364/OIC.2016.WB.4
  • I. Babushkin, A. Tajalli, H. Sayinc, J.-H. Oelmann, U. Morgner, G. Steinmeyer, A. Demircan (2016): Higher order soliton breakup via implosion CLEO: Science and Innovations STu1I. 2
  • G. Steinmeyer, S. Birkholz, C. Brée, A. Demircan (2016): Nonlinear time series analysis: towards an effective forecast of rogue wavesProc. SPIE 973205
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2208251
  • C. Bree, I. Babushkin, U. Morgner, A. Demircan (2016): Collapse regularization of filaments by resonant radiation CLEO: Applications and Technology JW2A
  • I. Krasnikov, A. Seteikin, B. Roth, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2016): Monte Carlo simulation of Raman confocal spectroscopy of beta-carotene solutionProceedings SPIE 10176, APCOM-2016, Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics, 2016, Khabarovsk, Russia, 101760A (December 14, 2016)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2268282
  • A. Ahrens, A. Sandmann, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and S. Lochmann (2016): Improving Optical Fiber Sensing by MIMO Signal ProcessingInformatics Control Measurement in Economy and Environment Protection IAPGOS 2016, 6(3), 51-55 (Proceedings of the WD 2016 - Scientific Conference, Lublin, Poland)
    DOI: 10.5604/20830157.1212268
  • M. Rezem, A. Günther, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, and E. Reithmeier (2016): Low-cost fabrication of all-polymer planar optical waveguidesProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-P045-3
  • K. Bremer, M. Wollweber, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, and B. Roth (2016): Fibre optic sensor systems for structural health monitoring of concrete structuresProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-B009-0
  • K. Bremer, J. Walter, and B. Roth (2016): Aptamer modified low-cost fibre optic surface plasmon resonance sensorProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-P038-2
  • C. Kelb, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): Phase retrieval of optical gratings in transparent mediaProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-A004-4
  • A. Günther, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): Optical coupling structures for integrated polymer photonicsProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-A015-3
  • A. Varkentin, M. Otte, M. Wollweber, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2016): Simulation of the OCT-depth signal of homogeneous turbid media via an extended Monte-Carlo modelProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-B008-6
  • A. Ahrens, A. Sandmann, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and Steffen Lochmann (2016): Optical force sensor based on multi-mode fibre and MIMO signal processingProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-B008-6
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): A Simple Polymer-Optical Tilt and Displacement SensorProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-C033-7
  • M. Rahlves, S. Schlangen, M. Ihme, and B. Roth (2016): Maskless lithography and its applications in holography, diffractive optics and integrated photonicsProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-A014-8
  • K. Wiegmann, K. Bremer, and B. Roth (2016): Utilizing 3D printing for the packaging of fiber optic sensorsProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-B012-4
  • A. Kniggendorf and B. Roth (2016): Cytochrome-c based Resonance Raman Microscopy: analyzing bacterial phylogeny in vivoProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-C026-5
  • O. Melchert, E. Blumenröther, M. Rahlves, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2016): Irradiation source profile dependence of optoacoustic signals generated in layered absorbersProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-P040-2
  • M. Marinskas, K. Bremer, C. Thomas, D. Müller, W.-J. Xing, R. Sindelar, and B. Roth (2016): Investigation of light coupling techniques for electrospun polymer-optical nanofibersProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-P051-0
  • O. Melchert, J. Stritzel, M. Rahlves, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2016): Diffraction rewind: inversion of signals to initial stress profiles using the 3D optoacoustic Volterra integralProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-C004-8
  • K. Bremer, J.-G. Walter, and B. Roth (2016): Optical Waveguide Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor System for SmartphonesImaging and Applied Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016) (Proceedings of the Imaging and Applied Optics: OSA Optics & Photonics Congress
    DOI: 10.1364/AIO.2016.AIW2B.1
    ISBN: 978-1-943580-15-6
  • C. Kelb, M. Körner, O. Prucker, J. Rühe, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): A planar low-cost full-polymer optical humidity sensorSysInt 2016: 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence - New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, Paderborn, Germany (accepted) (2016)
  • K. Bremer, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, M. Wollweber, R. Helbig, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2016): Fibre optic sensor systems for the structural health monitoring of building structuresSysInt 2016: 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence - New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, Paderborn, Germany (accepted) (2016)
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, S. Lochmann, L. Overmeyer, B. Roth (2016): Grating assisted mode selective optical waveguide couplerProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, German
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-P055-8
  • M. Rezem , A. Günther, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier (2016): Fabrication and Sensing Applications of Multilayer Polymer Optical WaveguidesProceedings of the SysInt 2016: 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence - New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, Paderborn, Germany (accepted) (2016)
  • M. Höhl, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, H. Schmitt, T. Lenarz, and U. Morgner (2016): UV-resonance Raman spectroscopy of amino acidsProc. of SPIE Vol. 9704 970404
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2212781
  • E. Blumenröther, A. Varkentin, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2016): Towards multimodal melanoma depth determination with optoacoustics and optical coherence tomographyProceedings of the International Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
    ISBN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2016-P039-6
  • M. Rahlves (2016): Fabrication of polymer based integrated photonic devices by maskless lithographyProc. SPIE 9745 (Photonics West 2016, OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XVIII, 97450D (24 February 2016)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2213211
  • M. Rahlves, A. Varkentin, J. Stritzel, E. Blumenröther, M. Mazurenka, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2016): Towards multimodal detection of melanoma thickness based on optical coherence tomography and optoacousticsProc. SPIE 9701 (Photonics West 2016, BIOS, San Francisco, USA), Multimodal Biomedical Imaging XI, 97010F (7 March 2016)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2213132
  • M. Rezem, C. Kelb, A. Günther, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): Low-cost fabrication of optical waveguides, interconnects and sensing structures on all-polymer based thin foilsProceedings SPIE 9751 (Photonics West 2016, OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XVIII, 975112 (3 March, 2016)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2213182
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2017): Focusing Light through Turbid Media: Methods and Imaging ApplicationsProceedings of 118. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2017, Dresden, Germany
    ISBN: (ISSN) 1614-8436 - urn:nbn:de:0287-2017-A028-4
  • L.S.M. Alwis, K. Bremer, Y. Zheng, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, and B. Roth (2017): Integrated fiber Bragg grating incorporated textile carbon reinforcement structuresProceedings of IEEE Sensors 2017, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (25 December 2017), 978-1-5090-1012-7/17
    DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2017.8234106
  • L.S.M. Alwis, K. Bremer, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, and B. Roth (2017): Textile carbon reinforcement structures with integrated optical fibre sensors designed for SHM applicationsProceedings SPIE 10323, 25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OFS-25 2017, Jeju, South Korea, 1032376 (April 23, 2017)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2264915
  • L.S.M. Alwis, H. Bustamante, K. Bremer, B. Roth, T. Sun, and K.T.V. Grattan (2017): A pilot study: Evaluation of sensor system design for optical fibre humidity sensors subjected to aggressive air sewer environmentProceedings of 2016 IEEE Sensors, Orlando, USA (09 January 2017)
    DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2016.7808482
  • M. S. Khan, T. Uekermann, M. Rahlves, B. Roth and R. Lachmayer (2017): Design and fabrication of polymer based diffractive optical elements for laser illuminated rear and brake lightsConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), Munich, 2017, pp. 1-1.
    DOI: 10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2017.8086665
  • M.S. Khan, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, and R. Lachmayer (2017): Diffractive Optical Elements: A Novel Concept for Automotive LightingProceedings of 118. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2017, Dresden, Germany
    ISBN: (ISSN) 1614-8436 - urn:nbn:de:0287-2017-P017-3
  • A.B. Petermann, B. Roth, U. Morgner, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2017): All-polymer whispering gallery mode sensor for application in optofluidicsProceedings of NICE OPTICS 2016 - the 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Materials, Nice, France in Special Issue of Optical Data Processing and Storage: Emerging Fields in Optics, Photonics and Materials - Fundamental Methods and Applications Optical Data Processing and Storage 2017; 3:8–12
    DOI: 10.1515/odps-2017-0002
    ISBN: (ISSN) 2084-8862
  • M. V. Arkhipov, R. M. Arkhipov, I. V. Babushkin, A. V. Pakhomov, N. N. Rosanov, A. Demircan, U. Morgner (2017): Ultrafast control of deeply subwavelength periodic gratings in resonant medium by few-cycle pulsesIEEE Xplore
    DOI: 10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2017.8087509
  • I. Babushkin ; C. Bree ; C. M. Dietrich ; A. Demircan ; U. Morgner ; A. Husakou (2017): Terahertz Brunel harmonics in two-color fields with incommensurate frequencies in the multiphoton ionization regimeIEEE Xplore
    DOI: 10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2017.8087493
  • D. Fricke, M. Wollweber, U. Morgner, B. Roth (2017): Non-contact dermatoscope system for automated detection of suspicious skin lesionsProceedings of 118. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2017, Dresden, Germany | File |
    ISBN: (ISSN) 1614-8436 - urn:nbn:de:0287-2017-B018-3
  • D. Fricke, S. Maas, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2018): Liquid crystal retarders for fully automated fast measurement of the Mueller matrix of the skin without moving partsProceedings of 119. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2018, Aalen, Germany
    ISBN: (ISSN) 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2018-P051-7
  • D. Fricke, T. Hildebrand, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2018): Non-contact dermatoscopic device with full polarization control and liquid lens based autofocus functionProceedings of 119. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2018, Aalen, Germany
    ISBN: (ISSN) 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2018-B004-5
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2018): OCT-guided wavefront shaping for non-invasive depth-selective focusingProceedings of 119. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGaO) 2018, Aalen, Germany
    ISBN: (ISSN) 1614-8436 - urn:nbn:de:0287-2018-A015-0
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2018): OCT-Based Wavefront Shaping: Towards OCT Image Enhancement and Depth-Selective Focusing Imaging and Applied Optics 2018 (3D, AO, AIO, COSI, DH, IS, LACSEA, LS\&C, MATH, pcAOP), Optical Society of America (2018), paper AW2A.3
    DOI: 10.1364/AIO.2018.AW2A.3
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2018): Wavefront Shaping in Complex Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (CSD-OCT)Proceedings of EOS Topical Meeting on Waves in Complex Photonics Media: Fundamentals and Device Applications, Joensuu, Finland
    ISBN: 978-952-68553-6-3
  • M. Suar, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2018): Simulation of straight and bent self-written waveguides in photopolymer mixture using phenomenological and diffusion models SPIE Optical Systems Design
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2312507
  • O. Melchert, E. Blumenröther, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2018): Numerical prediction and approximate inversion of optoacoustic signals in tissue phantomsSPIE Optical Systems Design
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2314840
  • O. Melchert, U. Morgner, B. Roth, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan (2018): Accurate propagation of ultrashort pulses in nonlinear waveguides using propagation models for the analytic signalSPIE Optical Systems Design,
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2313255
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, Y. Zheng, A. Isaak, M. Wurz, S. Böhm, F. Wellmann, M. Steinke, G. Pelegrina-Bonilla, J. Neumann, D. Kracht, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer (2018): Manufacturing and characterization of asymmetric evanescent field polished fiber couplers for fiber grating assisted mode selective couplingProc. SPIE Photonics Europe, 2018, Strasbourg, France
  • N. Raabe, T. Feng, T. Witting, A. Demircan, C. Brée, and G. Steinmeyer (2018): Intrapulse Coherence for Gauging the Quality of Passive Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilization Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
    DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2018.STh4N.7
  • N. Raabe, T. Feng, T. Witting, A. Demircan, C. Brée, and G. Steinmeyer (2018): Role of Intrapulse Coherence in Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilization Optical Society of America, HW3D.4
    DOI: 10.1364/HILAS.2018.HW3D.4
  • G. Steinmeyer, N. Raabe, A. Demircan, C. Brée (2018): The role of intrapulse coherence in supercontinuum generationSPIE 10517, Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications III, 105170G
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2292993
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, A. Isaak, M. C. Wurz, G. Pelegrina-Bonilla, J. Neumann, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer (2018): Mode-selective Polished Fiber Couplers based on Fiber GratingsProc. of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, USA
    DOI: 10.1364/OFC.2018.Th1K.6
  • M. Rahlves, M. Rezem, A. Günther, C. Kelb, M. Khan, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2018): Towards fabrication and application of polymer based photonics networks and sensorsProceedings SPIE 10545 (Photonics West 2018, OPTO, San Francisco, USA): MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVII, 1054502 (22 February 2018)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2300311
  • D. Fricke, S. Maas, L. Jütte, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2019): Non-contact fast Mueller matrix measurement system for investigation of inflammatory skin diseasesProceedings SPIE 10863 (Photonics West 2019, BIOS, San Francisco, USA): Photonic Diagnosis and Treatment of Infections and Inflammatory Diseases II, 1086307
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2509766
  • Dierk Fricke, Lennart Jütte, Merve Wollweber, Bernhard Roth (2019): Mueller matrix polarimetry for dermatoscopic applicationDGaO Proceedings 2019
  • L. Zheng, C. Reinhardt, and B. Roth (2020): Microscope projection photolithography of polymeric optical micro- and nanocomponentsProceedings SPIE 11292 (Photonics West 2020, OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XIII, 112920Q (28 February 2020)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2546679
  • D. Fricke, A. Becker, L. Jütte, M. Wollweber, B. Glasmacher, and B. Roth (2020): Non-contact fast Mueller matrix measurement system for investigation of bio-tissuesProceedings SPIE 11211 (Photonics West 2020, BIOS, San Francisco, USA): Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2020; 1121116 (23 Feb 2020)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.255962
  • L. Zheng, C. Reinhardt, and B. Roth (2020): Realization of high-quality polymeric photonic structures by two-photon polymerizationProceedings SPIE 11292 (Photonics West 2020, OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XIII, 112920K (28 February 2020)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2563345
  • K. Bremer, L.S.M. Alwis, and B. Roth (2020): Micro-structured optical multi-mode fibers for sensing applicationsProceedings SPIE 11355 (SPIE Photonics Europe 2020, Strasbourg, France - Online Only): Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres VI, 113550O (1 April 2020)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2563899
  • L. Leffers, K. Bremer, and B. Roth (2020): Polymeroptische FasersensorikProceedings of Drittes Deutsches Polymer Optische Faser (POF) Symposium 2020, Hannover, Germany (2020), Photonic-Net, Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien, T. Fahlbusch, F. Florian Fliegner (Hrsg.), pp. 131-146, TEWISS – Technik und Wissen GmbH Verlag Garbsen (2020)
    ISBN: 978-3-95900-442-8
  • L.S.M Alwis, K. Bremer, and B. Roth (2021): Investigation on the sensitivity of an etched graded-index multi-mode fiber to refractive index and temperature for mode-multiplexed fiber optic sensor applicationsProceedings of the 27th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OFS-2020, 2021, Alexandria, USA, in Optical Fiber Sensors Conference 2020 Special Edition, G. Cranch, A. Wang, M. Digonnet, and P. Dragic, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper T3.7
  • L.S.M Alwis, K. Bremer, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, and B. Roth (2021): Evaluation of the potential of Fiber Optic Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Concrete CompositesProceedings of the 27th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OFS-2020, 2021, Alexandria, USA, in Optical Fiber Sensors Conference 2020 Special Edition, G. Cranch, A. Wang, M. Digonnet, and P. Dragic, eds., OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper W4.66
  • L. Leffers, J. Locmelis, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and L. Overmeyer (2021): Eccentrical Bragg gratings in multimode polymer optical fibres for the 3D detection of bendingProceedings SPIE 11773 (Optics and Optoelectronics 2021, Prague, Czech Republic): Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres VII, 117730R (18 April 2021)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2592575
  • A. Becker, D. Fricke, B. Roth, and B. Glasmacher (2021): Assuring quality of scaffolds in musculoskeletal tissue engineeringProceedings of BMT 2021 – 55th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (VDE/DGBMT), Hannover; Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2021, 7(2): 179-182
  • A. Günther, K. Kushwaha, M. Baran, A.-K. Rüsseler, F. Carstens, D. Ristau, W. Kowalsky, and B. Roth (2022): Self-written waveguides as low-loss interconnections and sensing elementsProceedings SPIE 12004 (Photonics West 2022, OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVI, 1200412 (5 March 2022)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2611336
  • A. Günther, D. Korat, K. Kapadia, B. Roth, and W. Kowalsky (2022): VCSELs as highly sensitive stand-alone distance sensorsProceedings SPIE 12020 (Photonics West 2022, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers XXVI, 120200H (2 March 2022)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2611352
  • L. Zheng, N. Keppler, H. Zhang, A. Günther, P. Behrens, and B. Roth (2022): Metal-organic framework coated planar polymer optical waveguide for carbon dioxide detection and sensingProceedings SPIE 12004 (Photonics West 2022, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVI, 1200408 (5 March 2022)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2609812
  • L. Leffers, B. Roth, and L. Overmeyer (2022): Polymer optical bend sensor based on eccentric fiber Bragg gratings for 3D shape detectionProceedings SPIE 11998 (Photonics West 2022, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA): Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XXIV, 1199808 (7 March 2022)
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2609764

Conferences / Talks

  • C. Basu and B. Roth (2014): Laser Headlights: the future is brighterDVN Seoul International Workshop 2014: Automotive Lighting Technologies in 2020-2025, Seoul, South Korea
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, and B. Roth (2014): Bacterial Phylogeny in vivo: cytochrome-c based Resonance Raman microscopy 24th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy ICORS 2014, Jena, Germany
  • C. Basu and B. Roth (2014): Laser Headlights: state-of-the art, future prospects and challengesDVN Paris International Workshop 2014: Future of Automotive Lighting - Vision 2020-2025, Paris, France
  • C. Basu and B. Roth (2014): Lighting with laser diodes: a brighter way ahead14th International Conference Intelligent Automotive Lighting 2014, Frankfurt, Germany
  • M. Rezem, A. Günther, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, and E. Reithmeier (2014): Hot embossing of polymer optical waveguides for sensing applicationsSysInt 2014: 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence, Bremen, Germany
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2014): Foil-integrated 2D optical strain sensorsSysInt 2014: 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence, Bremen, Germany
  • C. Suhr, A. Kniggendorf, B. Roth, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2014): Tissue phantoms for multimodal approaches - Raman spectroscopy and optoacousticsPhotonics West 2014, SPIE BIOS, San Francisco, USA
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2014): Planar integrated polymer-based optical strain sensorPhotonics West 2014, SPIE MOEMS-MEMS, San Francisco, USA
  • B. Roth (2014): Mikrooptische Strukturen zur Kopplung und Leitung von Licht in und aus großflächigen Polymerfolien 4. Fachkonferenz „Kunststoffe in Optischen Systemen“, VDI Wissensforum Baden-Baden, Oktober 2014
  • M. Höhl, M. Wollweber, U. Morgner, H. Schmitt, and T. Lenarz (2014): Raman spectroscopy for analysis of inner ear fluidsICORS 2014, Jena, Germany (2014)
  • M. Rahlves (2014): Weißlichtinterferometer und Konfokal Mikroskopie zur Vermessung abgeformter DOE, Seminar DOEs (Diffraktive optische Elemente), PhotonicNet Seminar, 27.11.
  • M. Rahlves (2014): Kalibriernormale und Strategien für quantitative volumetrische OCT Messungen, MikroskopieTrends '14 – Mikroskopische Methoden in der Qualitätskontrolle, PhotonicNet Workshop, 4.12.
  • M. Rahlves, M. Rezem, C. Kelb, K. Boroz, D. Gödeke, S. Schlangen, B. Roth (2015): Lab-level and low-cost fabrication technique for polymer based micro-optical elements and holographic structuresSPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
  • M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, C. Suhr, A.-K. Kniggendorf, and B. Roth (2015): Multimodal optical analysis of human skin116th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO - Brno 2015, Brno, Czech Republic
  • F.-W. Reineke, K. Bremer, M. Wollweber, G. Delgehausen, B. Roth, F. Weigand, R. Helbig, T. Thiel, G. Werner, S. Günther, and M. Göbel (2015): Kontinuierliche Zustandsüberwachung von Rohrsystemen29. Oldenburger Rohrleitungsforum 2015, Oldenburg
  • J. Stritzel, J. Diaz Diaz, M. Rahlves, O. Majdani, T. Ortmaier, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2015): Korrektur geometrischer Verzeichnungen zur Kalibrierung von optischen KohärenztomographiesystemenBildverarbeitung für die Medizin BVM 2015, Lübeck
  • M. Höhl, M. Wollweber, U. Morgner, H. Schmitt, and T. Lenarz (2015): Resonance Raman Spectroscopy for Analysis of Amino AcidsICAVS8, Wien, Austria (2015)
  • A. Günther, M. Rezem, A. B. Petermann, C. Kelb, M. Rahlves, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2015): Production and characterization of all-polymer based optical waveguides and interconnects 116th annual meeting of the DGaO, 26-29 May, Brno, Czech Republic
  • A. Günther, A. B. Petermann, M. Rezem, C. Kelb, M. Rahlves, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2015): Production and characterization of all-polymer based optical waveguides and interconnectsCleo/ Europe-EQEC, Munich, Germany, 21-25 June
  • M. Mazurenka, A. Varkentin, E. Blumenroether, J. Stritzel, M. Otte, M. Rahlves, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, B. Roth (2015): Towards all-optical melanoma depth determinationCLEO/EQEC Europe, Munich, Germany, 21-25 June
  • I. Krasnikov, A. Seteikin, B. Roth, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2016): Monte Carlo simulation of Raman confocal spectroscopy of beta-carotene solutionAPCOM-2016: 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics 2016, Khabarovsk, Russia
  • A.B. Petermann, B. Roth, U. Morgner, and M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2016): All-polymer whispering gallery mode sensorNICE OPTICS 2016 - the 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Materials, Nice, France
  • B. Roth (2016): Dauerhaftigkeitsuntersuchungen von faseroptischen Sensoren zur Zustandsüberwachung von C3-Bauteilen Erste C3 (Carbon Concrete Composite) Fachkonferenz 2016, Dresden
  • R. Kisacik, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, and R. Reithmeier (2016): Thermomechanische Optiksimulation monolithischer polymeroptischer SystemePhotonicNet Workshop 2016 “Simulationen in der Photonik”, Hannover
  • O. Melchert, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2016): Simulation von Licht-Gewebe Wechselwirkung in biologischem GewebePhotonicNet Workshop 2016 “Simulationen in der Photonik”, Hannover
  • A. Günther, M. Rezem, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2016): Polymer based optics for sensing applicationsDPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) 2016 of the Section AMOP (SAMOP), Hannover
  • O. Melchert, J. Stritzel, M. Wollweber, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2016): The 3D inverse optoacoustic source problem on the beam axisDPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) 2016 of the Section AMOP (SAMOP), Hannover
  • O. Melchert, E. Blumenroether, M. Wollweber, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2016): Detection and simulation of optoacoustic signals generated in layered tissuesDPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) 2016 of the Section AMOP (SAMOP), Hannover
  • K. Bremer, J. Walter, and B. Roth (2016): Fibre optic surface plasmon resonance sensor for smartphonesDPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) 2016 of the Section AMOP (SAMOP), Hannover
  • M. Höhl, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, U. Morgner, H. Schmitt, and T. Lenarz (2016): Resonance Raman spectroscopy of amino acids and proteins117th Annual Meeting of DGaO, Hannover, Germany (2016)
  • M. Höhl, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, H. Schmitt, T. Lenarz, and U. Morgner (2016): UV-resonance Raman spectroscopy of amino acidsSPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (2016)
  • M. Rezem, A. Günther, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, and E. Reithmeier (2016): Fabrication and sensing applications of multilayer polymer optical waveguidesSysInt 2016: 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence - New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, Paderborn, Germany
  • C. Kelb, M. Körner, O. Prucker, J. Rühe, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): A planar low-cost full-polymer optical humidity sensorSysInt 2016: 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence - New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, Paderborn, Germany
  • K. Bremer, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, M. Wollweber, R. Helbig, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2016): Fibre optic sensor systems for the structural health monitoring of building structuresSysInt 2016: 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence - New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, Paderborn, Germany
  • K. Bremer, M. Wollweber, F. Weigand, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, and B. Roth (2016): Fibre optic sensor systems for structural health monitoring of concrete structuresInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • C. Kelb, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): Phase retrieval of optical gratings in transparent mediaInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • A. Günther, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): Optical coupling structures for integrated polymer photonicsInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • A. Ahrens, A. Sandmann, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and Steffen Lochmann (2016): Optical force sensor based on multi-mode fiber and MIMO signal processingInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2016): A simple, full-polymer tilt and displacement sensor for planar-optical measurementInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • M. Rahlves, S. Schlangen, M. Ihme, and B. Roth (2016): Maskless lithography and its applications in holography, diffractive optics and integrated photonicsInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • K. Wiegmann, K. Bremer, and B. Roth (2016): Utilizing 3D printing for the packaging of fiber optic sensorsInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • O. Melchert, J. Stritzel, M. Rahlves, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2016): The 3D inverse optoacoustic source problem on the beam axisInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • A. Varkentin, M. Otte, M. Wollweber, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2016): Simulation of the OCT-depth signal of homogeneous turbid media via an extended Monte-Carlo modelDPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) 2016 of the Section AMOP (SAMOP)
  • A. Varkentin, M. Otte, M. Wollweber, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2016): Simulation of the OCT-depth signal of homogeneous turbid media via an extended Monte-Carlo modelInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • A. Kniggendorf*, B. Roth (2016): Cytochrome-c based Resonance Raman Microscopy: analyzing bacterial phylogeny in vivoInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2017): Focusing Light through turbid Media: Methods and Imaging Applications118. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGAO, Dresden, Germany
  • O. Melchert, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2017): Simulation von Licht-Gewebe Wechselwirkung in biologischem GewebePhotonicNet Workshop 2017 “Simulationen in der Photonik”
  • D. Fricke, A. Wolf, M. Wollweber, U. Morgner, B. Roth (2017): Non-contact dermatoscope system for automated detection of suspicious skin lesions118. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO
  • B. Roth (2017): Integrated planar-optical networks in thin polymer foils - a new approach to large-area distributed sensing LiM - Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017
  • M. Rahlves, M. Mazurenka, A. Varkentin, E. Blumenroether, J. Stritzel, U. Morgner, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, S. Schäd-Trcka, S. Emmert, B. Roth (2017): Towards a multimodal device for clinical in-vivo skin cancer depth measurementsCLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2017
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2017): Laminated Waveguides - An Alternative Approach to the Production of Integrated Photonic DevicesCLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2017
  • S. Böhm, K. Hausmann, M. Wysmolek, F. Wellmann, G. Pelegrina-Bonilla, S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer, M. Steinke, J. Neumann, D. Kracht (2018): Development of a reliable fabrication process of evanescent field coupled fused fiber couplersSPIE Photonics Europe, 2018, Strasbourg, France
  • M. Suar, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, B. Roth (2018): Simulation of straight and bent self-written waveguides in photopolymer mixture using phenomenological and diffusion models SPIE Optical Systems Design - Optical Design and Engineering, Frankfurt, Germany
  • O. Melchert, U. Morgner, B. Roth, I. Babushkin, A. Demircan (2018): Accurate propagation of ultrashort pulses in nonlinear waveguides using propagation models for the analytic signalSPIE Optical Systems Design - Computational Optics 2018, Frankfurt, Germany
  • O. Melchert, E. Blumenröther, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, B. Roth (2018): Numerical prediction and approximate inversion of optoacoustic signals in tissue phantomsSPIE Optical Systems Design - Optical Instrument Science, Technology, and Applications, Frankfurt, Germany
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2018): Wavefront Shaping in Complex Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (CSD-OCT) EOS topical meeting on Waves in Complex Photonics Media: Fundamentals and Device Applications, Anacapri, Italy
  • J. Kanngießer, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2018): OCT-Based Wavefront Shaping: Towards OCT Image Enhancement and Depth-Selective FocusingOSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2018, Orlando, USA
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, A. Isaak, M. C. Wurz, G. Pelegrina Bonilla, J. Neumann, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer (2018): Mode-selective Polished Fiber Couplers based on Fiber GratingsOptical Fiber Communication, San Diego, USA (2018)
  • M. Rahlves, M. Rezem, A. Günther, C. Kelb, M. Khan, E. Reithmeier, and B. Roth (2018): Fabrication and application of polymer based photonic networks and sensorsPhotonics West 2018, SPIE OPTO, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems, San Francisco, USA
  • J. Kanngiesser, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2018): OCT-guided wavefront shaping for non-invasive depth-selective focusing 119. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2018, Aalen, Germany
  • D. Fricke, T. Hildebrandt, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2018): Non-contact dermatoscopic device with full polarization control and liquid lens based autofocus function 119. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2018, Aalen, Germany
  • J. Kanngiesser, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2019): Fast wavefront manipulation for OCT signal enhancement120. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandete Optik DGAO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2019, Darmstadt, Germany
  • J. Kanngiesser, M. Rahlves, B. Roth (2019): Exploiting the optical reflection matrix for OCT signal enhancementConference on Lasers & Electro-Optics / Europe and European Quantum Electronics Electronics Conference (CLEO / Europe-EQEC) 2019, Munich, Germany
  • K. Bremer, L.S.M. Alwis, F.Weigand, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, B. Roth (2019): Functionalized carbon reinforcement structures with optical fibre sensors for carbon concrete compositesConference on Lasers & Electro-Optics / Europe and European Quantum Electronics Electronics Conference (CLEO / Europe-EQEC) Munich
  • K. Bremer, S. Schlangen, S.Böhm, F. Wellmann, M. Steinke,J. Neumann, B. Roth, L.Overmeyer (2019): Investigation of grating assisted mode-selective few-mode fused fiber couplersConference on Lasers & Electro-Optics / Europe and European Quantum Electronics Electronics Conference (CLEO / Europe-EQEC) Munich
  • Dierk Fricke, Lennart Jütte, Merve Wollweber, Bernhard Roth (2019): Mueller matrix measurement system for skin polarimetry as additional module for non-contact dermatoscopyConference on Lasers & Electro-Optics / Europe and European Quantum Electronics Electronics Conference (CLEO / Europe-EQEC) 2019, Munich, Germany
  • Dierk Fricke, Lennart Jütte, Merve Wollweber, Bernhard Roth (2019): Mueller Matrix polarimetry for dermatoscopic purpose120. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandete Optik DGAO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2019, Darmstadt, Germany
  • D. Fricke, S. Maas, L. Jütte, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2019): Non-contact fast Mueller matrix measurement system for investigation of inflammatory skin diseasesPhotonics West 2019, BIOS, San Francisco, USA: Photonic Diagnosis and Treatment of Infections and Inflammatory Diseases II
  • B. Roth (2019): Optische Biopsie - Diagnosetool von morgen?Photodermatologie Symposium IX, Rostock, 2019
  • B. Roth (2019): Raman spectroscopic analyses of microplasticsSymposium on Occurrence and Fate of Microplastics in Urban Spaces, Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, Beijing, China, Juli 2019
  • O. Melchert, S. Willms, I. Babushkin, B. Roth, G. Steinmeyer, U. Morgner, A. Demircan (2019): The continuum mechanics of soliton collisionCLEO Munich 2019, Munich, Germany
  • O. Melchert, S. Willms, I. Babushkin, S. Bose, B. Roth, U. Morgner, A. Demircan (2019): Two-color soliton moleculesCLEO Munich 2019, Munich, Germany
  • L. Beichert, Y. Binhammer, J.R.C. Andrade, A.-K. Kniggendorf, B. Roth, U. Morgner (2019): Non-collinear Optical Parametric Oscillator for Video Rate Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy of MicroplasticsCLEO Munich 2019, Munich, Germany
  • M.S. Khan, M. Rahlves, R. Lachmayer, B. Roth (2019): Low cost fabrication of polymer based micro-optical devices for application in illumination, sensing, and optical interconnectsCLEO Munich 2019, Munich, Germany
  • Y. Wang, J. Luo, K. Sun, K. Madhav, M.M. Roth, B. Roth, Ziyang Zhang (2019): Integrated Echelle Gratings as Compact Spectrometer for VIS and NIR AstronomyCLEO Munich 2019, Munich, Germany
  • O. Melchert, S.Willms, I. Babushkin, B. Roth, G. Steinmeyer, U. Morgner, A. Demircan (2019): Soliton elasticityCLEO 2019 - Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, USA
  • M. Suar M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, P. Wriggers, B. Roth (2019): Numerical Investigations on Polymer-Based Optical Waveguide CouplersRCM 2019-Research Challenges in Mechanics
  • L. Zheng and B. Roth (2020): Realization of high-quality polymeric photonic structures by two-photon polymerizationPhotonics West 2020, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA
  • K. Bremer, L.S.M. Alwis, and B. Roth (2020): Micro-structured optical multi-mode fibers for sensing applicationsSPIE Photonics Europe 2020, Strasbourg, France - transitioned to Digital Forum
  • L. Leffers, K. Bremer and B. Roth (2020): Polymeroptische FasersensorikDrittes Deutsches Polymer Optische Faser (POF) Symposium 2020, Photonic-Net, Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien, Hannover
  • L. Zheng, C. Reinhardt and B. Roth (2020): Plasmonic Devices Fabricated by Two-Photon Polymerization and Microscope Projection PhotolithographyPhotonic-Net Seminar 2020, Photonic-Net - Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien
  • O. Melchert, S. Willms, S. Bose, A. Yulin, B. Roth, F. Mitschke, U. Morgner, I. Babushkin, and A. Demircan (2020): Two frequency heteronuclear soliton molecules19th International Conference Laser Optics ICLO 2020, Saint Peterburg, Russia
  • K. Bremer, L.S.M. Alwis, and B. Roth (2020): Workshop on Fibre Optic Sensing in GeoscienceIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, R. Nogueira, and B. Roth (2021): Culture Stress Detection with Raman Spectroscopy In VivoCLEO 2021 - Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, USA
  • L. Leffers, J. Locmelis, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and L. Overmeyer (2021): Polymer Optical Fibre Bend Sensor based on Eccentrical Bragg GratingsCLEO 2021 - Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, USA
  • L. Leffers, J. Locmelis, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and L. Overmeyer (2021): Eccentrical Bragg Gratings in Multimode Polymer Optical Fibres for the 3D Detection of BendingSPIE Optics and Optoelectronics 2021, Prague, Czech Republic
  • L. Zheng, C. Reinhardt, and B. Roth (2021): Reflection and transmission effects of surface plasmon polaritons at dielectric microstructure boundariesCLEO Munich 2021, Munich, Germany
  • L. Leffers, J. Locmelis, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and L. Overmeyer (2021): Bend Sensor based on Eccentrical Bragg Gratings in Polymer Optical FibresCLEO Munich 2021, Munich, Germany
  • A. Günther, L. Zheng, K. Kushwaha, R. Garg, F. Carstens, A. K. Rüsseler, D. Ristau, B. Roth, and W. Kowalsky (2021): Self-WrittenWaveguides as Low-Loss Interconnects and Temperature SensorsCLEO Munich 2021, Munich, Germany
  • A.K. Kniggendorf, R. Nogueira, and B. Roth (2021): Signal-To-Noise Sensitivity of Distance Measures in Hierarchical Cluster Analysis for Raman Spectral ImagingCLEO Munich 2021, Munich, Germany
  • A. Becker, D. Fricke, J. Sundermann, H. Bunjes, B. Roth, and B. Glasmacher (2021): Assuring quality of scaffolds in musculoskeletal tissue engineeringBMT 2021 – 55th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (VDE/DGBMT), Hannover
  • L. Zheng, N. Keppler, P. Behrens, and B. Roth (2022): Metal-organic framework coated polymer optical waveguide for carbon dioxide detection and sensingPhotonics West 2022, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA
  • L. Leffers, B. Roth, and L. Overmeyer (2022): Polymer Optical Bend Sensor based on Eccentric Fiber Bragg Gratings for 3D Shape DetectionPhotonics West 2022, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA
  • A. Günther, D. Korat, K. Kapadia, B. Roth, W. Kowalsky (2022): A VCSEL as highly sensitive stand-alone distance sensorPhotonics West 2022, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA

Conferences / Poster

  • M. Akin, M. Rezem, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, E. Reithmeier, and L. Rissing (2014): Direct hot embossing of micro-elements by means of UV-structurable polyimide40th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering MNE 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland
    DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1919.1367
  • K. Bremer, M. Wollweber, G. Werner, T. Sun, K.T.V. Grattan, and B. Roth (2014): Fibre optic humidity sensor designed for highly alkaline environments23rd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OFS23 2014, Santander, Spain
  • C.-A. Bunge, M. Beckers, T. Gries, K. Bremer, and B. Roth (2015): Dopant-free Fabrication Process for Graded-Index Polymer Optical Fiber Solely Based on Temperature Treatment ICTON 2015: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Budapest, Hungary
  • H.A. Haenssle, L. Hofmann, M.P. Schön, T. Werfel, A. Günther, C. Basu, B. Roth, K.-H. Niemann, O. Schmerling, S. Scharenberg, F. Lüllau, K. Vogt, B. Rosenhahn, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber, and S. Emmert (2015): Automatisiertes Hautkrebs-Screening mit berührungsloser Remote-Dermatoskopie48. Tagung der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (DDG) 2015, Berlin
  • M. Beckers, T. Gries, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and C.A. Bunge (2015): Optischer Fibre-Bragg-Grating-Sensor basierend auf neuartiger multimodiger Gradientenindex-Polymerfaser Deutsches Biosensor Symposium 2015, München
  • C.-A. Bunge, M. Beckers, T. Gries, K. Bremer, and B. Roth (2015): Dopant-free Fabrication Process for Graded-Index Polymer Optical Fiber Solely Based on Temperature TreatmentICTON 2015: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Budapest, Hungary
  • A. Ahrens, A. Sandmann, K. Bremer, B. Roth, and S. Lochmann (2015): Optical Fibre Sensors based on Multi-Mode fibres and MIMO signal processing: an experimental approach24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors OFS24 2015, Curitiba, Brazil
  • C. Basu, M. Royer, P. Sharma, and B. Roth (2015): Electronic drivers for laser headlampsISAL 2015 - International Symposium on Automotive Lighting, Darmstadt, Germany
  • C. Kelb, E. Reithmeier, B.d Roth (2015): Optische Dehnungssensoren in PolymerfolieKaiser Friedrich Forschungspreis 2015 / LED-Technologien
  • M. Rezem, A. Günther, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, and E. Reithmeier (2016): Low-cost fabrication of all-polymer planar optical waveguidesInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, S. Lochmann, L. Overmeyer, and B. Roth (2016): Grating assisted mode selective optical waveguide couplerInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • K. Bremer, J. Walter, and B. Roth (2016): Aptamer modified low-cost fibre optic surface plasmon resonance sensorInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • O. Melchert, E. Blumenroether, M. Rahlves, M. Wollweber, and B. Roth (2016): Detection and simulation of optoacoustic signals generated in layered tissuesInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • M. Marinskas, K. Bremer, C. Thomas, D. Müller, W.-J. Xing, R. Sindelar, and B. Roth (2016): Investigation of light coupling techniques for electrospun polymer-optical nanofibersInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • E. Blumenröther, A. Varkentin, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2016): Towards multimodal melanoma depth determination with optoacoustics and optical coherence tomographyInternational Conference on Applied Optics and Photonics 2016 (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO and International Commission for Optics ICO) and 117th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Applied Optics DGAO, Hannover, Germany
  • M.S. Khan, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, R. Lachmayer (2017): Diffractive optical elements: A novel concept for automotive lighting118. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, J. Neumann, G. Pelegrina Bonilla, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer (2017): Grating assisted optical waveguide couplers for Mode Division MultiplexingCLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2017
  • K. Bremer, J. Walter, M. Rahlves, T. Scheper, B. Roth (2017): Optical SPR sensor designed for SmartphonesCLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2017
  • M. S. Khan, T. Uekermann, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, R. Lachmayer (2017): Design and Fabrication of Polymer based Diffractive Optical elements for Laser illuminated Rear and Brake lightsCLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2017
  • K. Bremer, F. Weigand, Y. Zheng, L.S.M. Alwis, M. Kuhne, R. Helbig, B. Roth (2017): Fibre optic strain sensor for carbon concrete compositesCLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2017
  • A.B. Petermann, B. Roth, U. Morgner, M. Meinhardt-Wollweber (2017): Polymer WGM arrays for optical sensing applicationsCLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2017
  • S. Böhm, K. Hausmann, M. Wysmolek, F. Wellmann, G. Pelegrina-Bonilla, S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer , M. Steinke, D. Kracht, J. Neumann (2018): Entwicklung eines Herstellungsprozesses von faserbasierten EvaneszenzfeldkopplernDGaO, 2018, Aalen
  • S. Schlangen, K. Bremer, Y. Zheng, A. Isaak, M. Wurz, S. Böhm, F. Wellmann, M. Steinke, G. Pelegrin-Bonilla, J. Neumann, D. Kracht, B. Roth, L. Overmeyer (2018): Manufacturing and characterization of asymmetric evanescent field polished couplers for grating assisted mode selective fiber couplingSPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France
  • M. S. Khan, S. Rizvi, M. Rahlves, B. Roth, R. Lachmayer (2018): Laser based projection system for traffic collision prevention119. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2018, Aalen, Germany (Accepted)
  • D. Fricke, S. Maas, M. Wollweber, B. Roth (2018): Liquid Crystal Retarders for fully automated fast measurement of the Mueller Matrix of the skin without moving parts119. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik DGaO (German Society of Applied Optics DGAO) 2018, Aalen, Germany
  • M. Suar, M. Rahlves, E. Reithmeier, P. Wriggers, B. Roth (2019): Numerical Investigations on Polymer-Based Optical Waveguide CouplersRCM 2019 - Research Challenges in Mechanics, Novel Methods and Applications for Automated Computational Modelling (Workshop - Confererence), Hannover, Germany
  • A.-K. Kniggendorf, D. Schmidt, C. Zeilinger, B. Roth (2019): Confocal Raman Microscopy in VIS for Analysing Conformational Changes in Channel ProteinsCLEO Munich 2019, Munich, Germany
  • M. Suar, O. Melchert, M. Rahlves, and B. Roth (2019): Multiphysics simulation and experimental validation of self-written polymer optical waveguidesInternationales Symposium Future Optics, (2019) Hannover
  • D. Fricke, A. Becker, M. Wollweber, B. Glasmacher, and B. Roth (2020): Non-contact fast Mueller matrix measurement system for investigation of bio-tissuesPhotonics West 2020, SPIE BIOS, San Francisco, USA
  • J. Kanngiesser and B. Roth (2020): Utilizing the depth-gated reflection matrix for spectral domain optical coherence tomography imagingPhotonics West 2020, SPIE BIOS, San Francisco, USA
  • A.K. Kniggendorf, R. Nogueira, and B. Roth (2021): Monitoring Culture Vitality with Raman SpectroscopyCLEO Munich 2021, Munich, Germany
  • A. Günther, L. Zheng, M. Baran, R. Garg, B. Roth, and W. Kowalsky (2021): Self-written polymer waveguide interconnects as low-loss and simple sensing devicesCLEO 2021 - Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, USA
  • A. Günther, M. Baran, R. Garg, A.-K. Rüsseler, F. Carstens, D. Ristau, W. Kowalsky, B. Roth (2022): Self-written waveguides as low loss interconnections and sensing elementsPhotonics West 2022, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA


  • M. Rahlves, J. Seewig, G. Beichert, G. Berger, R. Gillhaus, M. Kästner, F. Körfer, D. Köllmann, D. Lyda, D. Püschmann (2009): Optisches Messen technischer Oberflächen. Messprinzipien und BegriffeBeuth Verlag, Berlin
  • T. Schultheis (2010): A Tuneable Liquid Lens Driven by a Micro Coil Actuator and a Ferrofluidic Plug Inside a Micro Channel StructureScientific Reports 2008-2010 Institute of Measurement and Automatic Control, ISBN 978-3-941416-80-2, 2010, pp. 87-89 | File |
  • M. Rahlves (2010): Optical Measurements on Vibrations of Rotating, Radial Symmetric ObjectsScientific Reports 2008-2010 Institute of Measurement and Automatic Control, ISBN 978-3-941416-80-2, pp. 79 - 81
  • D. Hoheisel, T. Schultheis, L. Spani Molella, E. Reithmeier, L. Rissing (2011): Einsatz elektromagnetischer Antriebe in fluidischen SystemenKolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499. KIT Scientific Reports 7591, 2011, ISBN 978-3-86644-747-9 | File |
  • M. Rahlves (2011): Calibration of Confocal Microscopes in 3D-Metrology, Dissertation, Leibniz Universität Hannover, PZH Verlag
  • B-A Behrens, J Jocker, E. Reithmeier, M. Rahlves (2012): Werkzeuge zum direkten Prägen von Hologrammen in BlechwerkstoffeEFB-Forschungsbericht Nr. 346
    ISBN: 978-3-86776-384-4


  • G. Baum, N. Pavlovic, and B. Roth (2002): Spin Asymmetries In Elastic And Inelastic Scattering Of Spin-Polarized Electrons From Spin-Polarized Cesium AtomsPrinceton: “Photonic, Electronic & Atomic Collisions”, Rinton Press (eds. J. Burgdörfer, J.S. Cohen, S. Datz, and C.R. Vance), 460-470
  • N. Pavlovic, G. Baum, I. Ernsting, S. Förster, and B. Roth (2003): Spin Asymmetry Measurements in inelastic e-Cs CollisionsMelville, NY: American Inst. of Physics: "Correlation and polarization in photonic, electronic, and atomic collisions: proceedings of the International Symposium on (e, 2e), Double Photoionization and Related Topics and the Twelfth International Symposium on Polarization and Correlation in Electronic and Atomic Collisions” (eds. G. F. Hanne, L. Malegat, H. Schmidt-Böcking), 199-204
  • U. Fröhlich, B. Roth, P. Antonini, C. Lämmerzahl, A. Wicht, and S. Schiller (2004): Ultracold trapped molecules: novel systems for tests of the time-independence of the electron-to-proton mass ratioLect. Notes Phys. 648, 297-307, Springer
  • B. Roth, J. Koelemeij, H. Daerr, I. Ernsting, S. Jorgensen, M. Okhapkin, A. Wicht, A. Nevsky, and S. Schiller (2006): Trapped Ultracold Molecular Ions: Candidates for an Optical Molecular Clock for a Fundamental Physics Mission in SpaceProc. ‘6th Internat. Conf. In Space Optics’, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, ESA-SP 621
  • B. Roth, H. Daerr, J. Koelemeij, A. Nevsky, and S. Schiller (2006): Ultracold Molecular Hydrogen Ions in a Linear Radiofrequency Trap: Novel Systems for Molecular Frequency MetrologyProc. ‘20th European Frequency an Time Forum EFTF’, ISBN 3-9805741-8-0, p. 311 Braunschweig, Germany
  • B. Roth, J. Koelemeij, S. Schiller, L. Hilico, J.-P. Karr, V. Korobov, D. Bakalov (2008): Precision Spectroscopy of Molecular Hydrogen Ions: Towards Frequency Metrology of Particle Masses"Precision Physics of Simple Atoms and Molecules" Lect. Notes Phys. 745, 205-232, Springer
  • J. K. Sahu, S. Yoo, A. Boyland, C. Basu, M. Kalita, A. Webb, C. L. Sones, J. Nilsson, D. N. Payne (2008): 488 nm Irradiation Induced Photodarkening Study of Yb-Doped Aluminosilicate and Phosphosilicate FibersJTuA27, CLEO-2008
  • B. Roth, and S. Schiller (2009): Sympathetically cooled molecular ions: from principles to first applicationsKapitel für Monographie “Cold Molecules”, B. Friedrich, R. Krems, W. Stwalley, eds., Taylor and Francis
  • C. Basu, S. Yoo, A. J. Boyland, A. S. Webb, C. L. Sones, J. K. Sahu (2009): Influence of temperature on the post-irradiation temporal loss evolution in Yb-doped aluminosilicate fibers, photodarkened by 488 nm CW irradiationCJ1_2, CLEO-Europe & EQEC 2009, Munich, Germany
  • C. Basu, O. Puncken, L. Winkelmann, P. Weßels, J. Neumann and D. Kracht (2011): Development of a solid state laser amplifier source for the third generation of gravitational wave detectorsCA5_3, CLEO Europe & EQEC 2011, Munich, Germany
  • M. Karow, C. Basu, D. Kracht, J. Neumann, and P. Wessels (2011): Single-frequency Yb-doped PCF MOPA with 294 W of output power for gravitational wave detectionCJ7_4, CLEO Europe & EQEC 2011, Munich, Germany
  • C. Basu , O. Puncken, L. Winkelmann, M. Frede, B. Schulz, P. Weßels, J. Neumann, D. Kracht (2011): Single Frequency Solid State Laser Amplifier System: Towards 3rd Generation of Gravitational Wave Detectors5620-CT-3, IQEC/ CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, Sydney, Australia
  • M. M. Roth, K. Zenichowski, N. Tarcea, J. Popp, S. Adelhelm, M. Stolz, A. Kelz, C. Sandin, S.-M. Bauer, T. Fechner, T. Jahn, E. Popow, B. Roth, P. Singh, M. Srivastava, D. Wolter (2012): The ERA2 facility: towards application of a fiber-based astronomical spectrograph for hyperspectral imaging in life scienceAstronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, International Society for Optical Engineering SPIE, July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • C. Basu, G. Kloppenburg, A. Wolf, M. Wollweber, B. Roth and R. Lachmayer (2013): A High Power Blue Diode Laser Pumped White Light Source Using Remote PhosphorsProceedings of the International Symposium on Automotive Lighting (ISAL) | File |
  • A. Günther, C. Basu, B. Roth, M. Wollweber (2013): An Ultra-bright White LED Based Non-contact Skin Cancer Imaging System with Polarization ControlProceeding of OSA-SPIE Biomedical Optics-Vol. 8798 (2013) | File |
  • D. Fricke, B. Henkel, C. von Teichman, and B. Roth (2018): Geschäftsmodell der dezentralen Serienfertigung: Additive Manufacturing als Basis für MicrofactoriesChapter for monography “Additive Serienfertigung - Erfolgsfaktoren und Handlungsfelder für die Anwendung”, basierend auf Workshop “Additive Serienfertigung” Institut für Produktentwicklung und Gerätebau (IPeG) und Laser Zentrum Hannover e. V. (LZH) 2017, Hannover, Springer Vieweg Verlag
    ISBN: 978-3-662-56462-2
  • O. Melchert (2018): Networks – A brief introduction using a paradigmatic combinatorial optimization problemModern Computational Science 18 - Energy of the future (Lecture Notes from the 6th International Summer School, Oldenburg, September 3 - 14, 2018)
    ISBN: 9783814223704


  • M. Rahlves (2017): Integrated Polymer Photonics - Fabrication, Design, Characterization and Applications
  • M. Wollweber (2018): Multimodal Optical Spectroscopy for Application in the Life Sciences

PhD Theses

  • C. Kelb (2017): Simulation, Herstellung und Evaluation folienintegrierbarer optischer Dehnungssensoren
  • A. Günther (2017): Optische Strukturen zur Einkopplung und Lichtverteilung in vollständig polymerbasierten, planaren Systemen
  • A.B. Petermann (2017): Optische Sensorsysteme auf Polymerbasis: neuartige FBG- und WGM-Strukturen
  • M. Koch (2018): Resonance Raman spectroscopy on carotenoids in alga for the determination of the violaxanthin cycle kinetics
  • A. Varkentin (2018): Thickness Determination of Melanocytic Nevi by Means of Optical Coherence Tomography
  • M. Rezem (2018): Replication of planar polymer micro-optical waveguides and components
  • Dr. Martin Ulrich Höhl (2019): Untersuchungen zur Implementierung der Raman-Spektroskopie für die Diagnostik am InnenohrDissertation Physik, Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • S. Schlangen (M.Sc.) (2020): Gitterunterstützter Modenselektiver Glasfaser-Richtkoppler zum Räumlichen Multiplexen und DemultiplexenDoktorarbeit Maschinenbau, Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • E. Möller (2020): Handheld Optoacoustic Probe Facilitating Near Field Investigations Through a Transparent Detector
  • D. Fricke (2020): Entwicklung einer dermatoskopischen Kamera mit Müller-Matrix-Bildgebung
  • J. Kanngießer (2020): Wavefront shaping approaches for spectral domain optical coherence tomography
  • Monali Suar (M.Sc.) (2021): Development of hybrid optical simulation concepts for polymer waveguidesDoktorarbeit Physik, Universität Hannover, 2021

Degree Theses

  • Christoph Wetzel (B.Sc.) (2018): Aufbau zur Detektion von Mikroplastik in fließendem Trinkwasser mittels Raman-SpektroskopieMasterarbeit Physik, Universität Hannover
  • Thomas Hildebrandt (M.Sc.) (2018): Design, simulation, and construction of an illumination unit for non-contact dermatoscopyMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Universität Hannover
  • Kevin Wiegmann (B.Sc.) (2018): Untersuchung von optischen Koppelelementen für planar-polymeroptische LichtwellenleiterMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Universität Hannover
  • Marco Schultz (B.Sc. candid.) (2018): Numerische Implementierung eines elektromechanischen finite-difference Schemas zur Vorhersage optoakustischer Nahfeld-TransientenBachelorarbeit Nanotechnologie, Universität Hannover
  • Qifa Bao (B.Sc.) (2018): Traffic-sign Recognition from Street-level Photos: a Deep Learning approachMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Universität Hannover
  • Marian Bleul (B.Sc. candid.) (2018): Hot-Embossed Single-Mode Polymer Waveguides: Production and CharacterizationBachelorarbeit Physik, Universität Hannover
  • Ivan Sudartono (B.Sc.) (2018): Investigation of reflective concave diffraction gratingsMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Universität Hannover
  • Lennart Jütte (B.Sc.) (2018): Entwicklung, Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Hautphantomen für die Nutzung in der Müller-Matrix-PolarimetrieBachelorarbeit Nanotechnologie, Universität Hannover
  • Stephan Maas (B.Sc.) (2019): Aufbau und Kalibration eines Setups zur vollständigen in vivo Messung einer Müller MatrixMasterarbeit Physik, Universität Hannover
  • Robin Probst (B.Sc. candid.) (2019): Automatisierte Erkennung von umweltexponiertem MikroplastikBachelorarbeit Physik, Universität Hannover
  • Christine Hofmann (B.Sc. candid.) (2019): Mikropartikelzählung im DurchflussBachelorarbeit Maschinenbau, Universität Hannover
  • Di Wu (B.Sc.) (2019): Digitally Switchable Full Field and Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography System
  • Chao Jing (B.Sc.) (2019): Optimization of Femtosecond Laser Processing Masks in Intraocular Lenses Material
  • Nikhil Shankar (B.Sc.) (2019): Developing a structured light setup for testing a collaborative robot environment
  • Kiana Farajzadeh (B.Sc.) (2019): Vertical coupling strategies for homogeneous flat panel illuminationMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Universität Hannover
  • Julia Locmelis (B.Sc. candid.) (2019): Gold-Nanopartikel verstärkte OberflächenplasmonresonanzBachelorarbeit Physik, Universität Hannover
  • Sonja Carina Kühnau (B.Sc.) (2019): Mikroplastik in Sandproben: Kunststoffsorte, -form und -größe in Abhängigkeit der Partikelabmessungen in der GesamtprobeMasterarbeit Sustainability Science, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
  • S. Patel (B.Sc.) (2020): Development of a portable micro-optical viscometerMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Universität Hannover
  • A. Martins (2020): Chromophore transition normalsMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Universität Hannover,
  • W. M. Saeed (B.Sc.) (2020): Design of diffusive projection screen for laser-based automotive stop lampsMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • M. Bin Al-Shaibah (B.Sc.) (2020): Dye Doped Polymer Optical Fibre LaserMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • L. Wen (B.Sc.) (2020): Untersuchung der Schmelzbaddynamik und des Benetzungsverhaltens beim spaltüberbrückenden LaserstahlmikroschweißenMasterarbeit Optische Technologien, Leibniz Universität Hannover